Innovative societies Water-smart societies Climate-neutral societies 

Interreg makes
a difference!

Explore how people in the Baltic Sea region have been benefitting
from our projects.

#MadeWithInterreg solutions for

Cleaner waters

Cleaner waters thanks to viable monitoring system, new methods for removing micropollutants from wastewater and sharing knowledge

What are we doing?

Coordinated actions are the key to cleaning Baltic Sea waters efficiently. Interreg projects that bring people together across sectors and countries stand behind many of them. Not only do they introduce new systemic methods to clean wastewater, but also ensure the spread of knowledge of those methods in the region. Trust in project recommendations directly translates into new policies and investments. In a long run, cooperation in projects exceeds original partnerships and builds grounds for new initiatives and actions to respond to arising challenges.

Examples of #MadeWithInterreg solutions:
  • a platform collecting best practices in smart water operations
  • a risk assessment system to monitor concentrations of micropollutants
  • novel methods to clean wastewater from micropollutants, e.g. pharmaceuticals
  • new technologies to reduce phosphorus losses
  • enhanced water treatment to improve water quality in lakes


What we’ve achieved so far? 

The Baltic Sea is one of the most heavily eutrophicated seas in the world. Interreg projects helped improve wastewater treatment, which is one of the factors influencing eutrophication. At the beginning of the 2000s, more than 20 cities collected best practices in water management and shared them with other city administrations around the Baltic Sea region. In 2009-2013, projects showcased that it was possible to reduce discharges of nutrients from wastewater treatment facilities to the level set in the Baltic Sea Action Plan of HELCOM. The HELCOM Action Plan targets were stricter than the EU requirement.

In 2016-2021, projects in cities and villages focused on improving the treatment of wastewater from residents and industries. Partners in projects tested new technologies that increased nutrient removal and reduced energy consumption in cities such as Daugavpils, Gdańsk, Tartu, Jūrmala, Kaunas, and Grevesmühlen. Rural municipalities benefitted from solutions like septic tanks and soil infiltration in Kolgaküla, Gennarby, Ainaži, and Leitgiriai. In other projects, partners tested the pre-treatment of wastewater at poultry, meat, and dairy factories in Leszno, Doruchów, Põltsamaa, and Jelgava. Following this joint work, the partners synthesised more than a hundred examples of smart water operations. Using this knowledge, they helped develop the new Baltic Sea Regional Nutrient Recycling Strategy of HELCOM, and revise the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan. These two strategic documents help achieve a healthy state of the Baltic Sea.


Ongoing projects

The ongoing projects explore new methods to clean wastewater more efficiently and better monitor concentrations of harmful substances and micropollutants in water environments. They address various stages of water management, starting from pollution prevention at its source, extending to robust monitoring and risk assessment practices, and culminating in the adoption of advanced wastewater treatment technologies. The projects aim to influence policy-making processes and implement practical measures for long-term improvements.


Supporting the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region 

Our projects play a vital role in achieving the ambitious goals of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) to save the Baltic Sea. In collaboration with the coordinators of the EUSBSR policy areas Nutri, Bioeconomy, Hazards, and Tourism, our projects make water and wastewater management more efficient and less resource-intensive in cities, rural areas, and tourist destinations. Together, our projects and the EUSBSR coordinators drive changes in water-related policies in our region, ensuring that the outcomes of our projects are integrated into legislation and continue to contribute to clearer, cleaner waters in the region.


Explore project solutions in more detail:


Eliminating Micro-Pollutants from Effluents for REuse STrategies
The project EMPEREST tests advanced treatment technology that helps water utilities and companies better remove organic micropollutants such as PFAS or pharmaceuticals from wastewater.
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Improved risk assessment for strategic water management to reduce micro-pollutant emissions in the Baltic Sea Region
In the project APRIORA, environmental protection agencies and wastewater treatment plants get equipped with a GIS-based risk assessment system to monitor and model concentrations of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in order to improve water management and reduce emissions.
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Application of biological effects methods in monitoring and assessment of contaminants in the Baltic Sea
In the project BEACON, public authorities and governmental organisations develop harmonised methods to assess contamination in the Baltic Sea waters, sediment and biota.
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Improving quality of BSR waters by advanced treatment processes
The project AdvIQwater tests photocatalysis, fungal treatment and biofilms methods to efficiently clean wastewaters from pharmaceuticals.
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NonHazCity 3

Reducing hazardous substances in construction to safeguard the aquatic environment, protect human health and achieve more sustainable buildings
The project NonHazCity 3 helps municipalities, entrepreneurs and individuals construct and renovate buildings with tox-free materials in order to protect health and the environment.
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Building trust in target groups for ALUM treatment - an effective, yet misunderstood method for water quality improvement
The project TRUST ALUM helps public authorities in the Baltic countries make better use of ALUM water treatment and improve water quality in lakes.
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Baltic Sea Munitions Remediation Roadmap
The project MUNIMAP develops a legal and administrative framework for public authorities to initiate joint remediation of dumped munitions from the Baltic Sea and Skagerrak, which pose threats to the marine ecosystem and hinder the maritime economy.
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Innovation in forestry biomass residue processing: towards circular forestry with added value products
The project CEforestry establishes cooperation among researchers, SMEs and large companies to support industrial symbiosis using forestry biomass residues in a more efficient way.
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Clean Shipping Project Platform
The Interreg platform CSHIPP pushed clean shipping forward in the Baltic Sea region by bringing research, business and policy makers together to introduce new policies and discuss promising technological change.
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Liveability - Designing public services for resilient neighbourhoods
The project Liveability trains public administrations in innovative ways to engage people to create liveable and attractive city environments that adapt to people’s needs.
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SUMPs for BSR – enhancing effective Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning for supporting active mobility in BSR cities
The project SUMPs for BSR helps smaller municipalities develop and apply sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMPs) to encourage shift towards people's active mobility and thus a healthier lifestyle while reducing traffic emissions at the same time.
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Innovative Solutions for the Rural Food Production Sector to Diversify into Sustainable Culinary Tourism Services
The project BASCIL helps local food producers in rural areas diversify their business into sustainable culinary tourism services, and thus reach new customers.
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SmartUp Accelerator

SmartUp Accelerator - Innovation Ecosystem to foster consumer cleantech markets in the Baltic Sea Region
The Interreg project SmartUp Accelerator improved conditions for business ideas in consumer cleantech sector and supported start-ups, intermediaries and investors across the Baltic Sea region.
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Smart homes and intelligent agents for improved physical and mental well-being
Artificial intelligence technology holds great potential for improving the lives of many people. It can bring us closer to ambient intelligence use in daily environments through concepts of e.g. smart homes or personalised medicine. The SOAR project works on developing and evaluating a structure for smart homes to increase safety and well-being in home environment, with an emphasis on the elderly or handicapped people.
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BSG-Go! Scaling-up Baltic Sea Game support for a resilient game industry
The project BSG-Go creates a community for young game developers and entrepreneurs to build on communication competences and ensure stable game industry growth.
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Baltic Urban Living

Baltic Urban Living. Brownfields regeneration in sustainable and resources efficient mixed-use areas for eco-social living and working.
A shift from the industrial to information economy that took place last century resulted in some abandoned and frequently contaminated areas in cities. Baltic Urban Living tackles the issue of these so-called brownfield areas and proposes assessment and spatial design tools in order to turn them back into high quality living and working environments. A common platform will help local authorities, researchers and other interested actors cooperate and exchange best practices on efficient handling brownfield areas
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Green Public Procurement of Pharmaceuticals for the Baltic Sea Region
Pharmaceutical emissions to the environment are a major concern in the Baltic Sea region and beyond. GrePPP works towards a sustainable public procurement of pharmaceuticals to protect the aquatic environment in areas where pharmaceuticals are produced. The aim of the project is to develop and test criteria and tools for sustainable public procurement applicable to the aquatic environment. This shall incentivise more sustainable production methods, and, consequently, reduce harmful emissions.
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Water driven rural development in the Baltic Sea Region
The WATERDRIVE project helped local municipalities, farmers and advisories manage water in agricultural landscapes and suggested ways forward to national authorities on how to pursue a strategic water governance vision.
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Climate-Aligned budgeting at municipalities
The idea of ClimateAligned focuses on the matter that today many municipalities in Europe address the problem of climate change by implementing certain climate mitigation and adaptation policies and goals, but a concept which takes the whole municipal policy and the available budget into account is lacking. The main project wants to deliver a concept for guidelines for municipalities where budget decisions can be examined in terms of climate relevance over a longer time horizon. This would mean to develop a decision support methodology how to assess planning decisions and budget proposals in terms of their climate mitigation and adaptation relevance and their potential to contribute to mitigation and adaptation efforts in a systematic fashion.
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Impact of micropollutants emitted from municipal wastewater treatment plants on Baltic Sea ecosystems and assessment of cost-benefit of advanced treatment technologies in a regional perspective
A lot of chemicals used in everyday life, which are called micropollutants, enter the Baltic Sea in wastewaters and may exert a negative effect on the surrounding ecosystems. The project attempts to compile the available data of concentrations of micropollutants, assess the biological effects and ecological risk they pose as well as to explore new wastewater treatment technologies for efficient reduction of toxins and removal of micropollutants from water.
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NonHazCity 2

Capitalizing key elements of NonHazCity: empowering private and professional users for better risk management and use reduction of chemical products in their cities
The Interreg project NonHazCity 2 built municipalities’ capacity in chemicals management and campaigned on the dangers of plastics in our everyday life.
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Baltic Fracture Competence Centre
The project BFCC engaged four hospitals supported by business development organisations and universities in creating a joint registry to store and process data about bone fractures in four countries. Medical companies used this data for improving their products to offer better treatment possibilities for patients, thus preparing our ageing society for the numbers of bone fractures and linked health disorders to increase.
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Regional Ecosystems for Social Innovation and Social Transformation
In the project RESIST, regional authorities, business support organisations and sectoral agencies develop a model of how to open up existing regional innovation ecosystems for social innovators and social entrepreneurs tackling societal and environmental challenges.
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Sustainable urban mobility and commuting in Baltic cities
By developing master plans on commuting for nine municipalities in five Baltic Sea region countries, the Interreg project SUMBA paved a way for sustainable and greener transport transformation in the region.
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Lighting the Baltic Sea Region - Cities accelerate the deployment of sustainable and smart urban lighting solutions
LUCIA helped municipalities in the Baltic Sea region save energy by the deployment of smart urban lighting solutions.
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Contaminated sediments in the Baltic Sea: assessment, remediation and management revisited
In marine coastal environments, sediments contaminated by anthropogenic activities are a significant source of hazardous substances. However, there is lack of harmonised assessment methodology or common management protocols for contaminated sediments among the Baltic Sea countries. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop guidelines to combine chemical and biological measurements to obtain reliable evaluations of sediment toxicity. The project aims at creating a platform for analysing state of the art in the current risk assessment of contaminated sediments in order to set the basis for the harmonisation of methodologies.
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BSR HyAirport

BSR Hydrogen Air Transport - Preparation of Baltic Sea Region Airports for Green Hydrogen
With airports, service providers, industry and research organisations onboard, the BSR HyAirport prepares Baltic Sea region airports for handling hydrogen-powered aircraft, storing and delivering green hydrogen as a future energy source in aviation.
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Network of Service Providers for Eco-innovations in Manufacturing SMEs
The project ECOLABNET helped manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises in bio-based materials, 3D printing, and other business areas to develop eco-innovations.
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Baltic Slurry Acidi.

Reducing nitrogen loss from livestock production by promoting the use of slurry acidification techniques in the Baltic Sea Region
In the Interreg project Baltic Slurry Acidification, farmers around the Baltic Sea tested the technology of treating animal manure with acid to reduce ammonia emissions harmful to people and the environment, and to gain valuable fertilisers for their crops instead.
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Growing Algae Sustainably in the Baltic Sea
GRASS helped ministries, regional administrations and municipalities as well as businesses understand benefits of macroalgae cultivation as a new blue economy opportunity for the region.
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Biogas - Established Sustainable Technology in A Circular Economy
The project BEST ACE helps develop natural gas grid infrastructure and use biomethane efficiently in long-haul transport and maritime industry.
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Market driven authentic Non-Timber Forest Products from the Baltic region - focus on wild and semi cultivated species with business potential
NovelBaltic helps small and medium-sized enterprises to improve the market uptake of non-timber forest products from the Baltic Sea region.
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Facilitation of citizens energy consumption behavioral change in BS cities and municipalities
In the CCI4Change, public authorities cooperate with entrepreneurs from the culture and creative industry (CCI) to better engage with citizens and encourage them to reduce energy consumption.
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Baltic Offshore Wind Energy to Hydrogen
The project BOWE2H connects authorities, policy-makers, researchers, manufacturers and other experts to co-create a roadmap for a joint offshore wind and hydrogen energy system in the region.
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Enhancing freight Mobility and logistics in the BSR by strengthening inland waterway and river sea transport and proMoting new internAtional shipping services
In the Interreg project EMMA, waterway administrations, business support organisations and ports together with shipping companies, logistics businesses, and research organisations jointly raised inland waterway transportation higher on the political agendas in five countries around the Baltic Sea.
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Tackling agricultural phosphorus load by soil amendments
The project GYPREG brings together national and public authorities, NGOs, farmers and farmers´ associations to increase the uptake of gypsum treatment of agricultural fields that allows to reduce phosphorus losses from agriculture.
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Network for Hydrogen in Combination with Renewable Energysources
In response to challenges related to shifting from fossil fuel to renewable energy economy, the project sets up a multinational, multilevel and cross-sectoral partnership and a “knowledge hub” to jointly streamline cutting points between hydrogen and other sustainable and renewable energy sources, such as biomass, solar, wind and water. In this way, the project strives for a zero-emission energy and transport structure.
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Rural RDI milieus in transition towards smart Bioeconomy Clusters and Innovation Ecosystems
RDI2Club facilitated business development in rural areas and boosted bioeconomy growth in five countries across the Baltic Sea region.
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We make transition!

Towards sustainable and resilient societies through empowered civil society and collaborative innovation
In the project We make transition! public authorities work on social and ecological initiatives with civil society, and co-create changes in the areas of consumption, mobility, energy and social life.
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R-Mode Baltic 2

Ranging Mode Baltic Sea test bed evaluation
R-Mode Baltic 2 improved the earlier introduced alternative to satellite navigation systems and helped shippers navigate safer in the Baltic Sea.
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Solutions stay with the people: listen to our #InterregVoices









© UBC SCC/Mariia Andreeva

Thanks to Interreg (...), we created momentum for essential aspects of sustainable water management connected to climate change, for example improving the wastewater and storm water management, reducing water pollution, and increasing the application of circular economy principles. [IWAMA; BSR Water]




Agnieszka Ilola 

Head of Secretariat, Union of the Baltic Cities, Sustainable Cities Commission









© Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky

I can name a large number of examples of project outputs directly integrated into the regional policy framework. The first one is the recommendation on sludge handling. It was largely based on the PURE project. What’s more, the technologies tested in the project PURE to treat wastewater are in regular use now.




Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky

 Special Advisor to HELCOM









© City of Turku

Thanks to Interreg projects, we have improved our public services for our citizens. Our water treatment facility has been involved in benchmarking water management processes and our water management processes have continuously been improving. Now, we have even better water quality and managed to keep the price of our water services at a moderate level.

Minna Arve

Mayor of Turku, Finland

#MadeWithInterreg solutions by topic


Attractive cities for people

Cleaner waters


Energy efficiency

Fewer hazards

Health &

Healthy & sustainable


Renewable energy

Safety at sea

Strong & competitive