Historical contamination of the Baltic Sea and Skagerrak by both chemical and conventional dumped munitions remains a serious threat to the marine ecosystem and a hindrance to offshore economy.
Authorities responsible for the management of marine areas are facing many obstacles when it comes to remediation of these munitions. Not only are they operating in an unclear legal environment and frequently have neither resources, nor official mandate to deal with the problem, but there are also many uncertainties about how to tackle the problem in practical terms without harming people and environment. Although the last decade has seen a lot of work in the Baltic Sea Region on this topic, much to the credit of former INTERREG projects such as CHEMSEA or DAIMON, the national debates in the member states are on very different stages of advancement.
MUNIMAP will activate, speed up and coordinate these national processes by setting up a modular, adaptable roadmap towards Baltic Sea munitions remediation. The different elements of this roadmap such as policy recommendations, IT solutions for site prioritization, monitoring strategy and innovative, cost-efficient and environmentally friendly remediation methods will be developed and evaluated together with their user groups.
The MUNIMAP pilot activities will showcase multiple stages of the remediation process, starting with locating and identifying the munitions, via risk assessment, site prioritization, remediation and monitoring, utilization and evaluation of results.
in numbers.
MUNIMAP (2024-2027) is an international project co-funded by the EU INTERREG Baltic Sea Region programme with 17 partners from all countries of the Baltic Sea region, led by Institute for Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAS).
Its goal is to develop a comprehensive framework and tools for solving the serious threat posed by sea-dumped chemical and conventional munitions in the Baltic Sea and Skagerrak. These underwater munitions, remnants of past conflicts, endanger marine ecosystems, human health, and economic activities. The multidisciplinary team of project experts will establish legal and policy guidelines, advance detection and assessment technologies and test innovative, environmentally-sound remediation methods. By transitioning from science to action, MUNIMAP seeks to enhance regional safety, foster international collaboration, and support sustainable offshore development. The project's outcomes will have broad applicability to similar challenges in other regions, positioning the Baltic Sea region as a leader in addressing this complex environmental and security issue.
Project Activities:
MUNIMAP's core activities focus on developing practical solutions for managing sea-dumped munitions:
1. Mapping and Assessment: Using advanced technologies to accurately locate and evaluate munition sites in the Baltic Sea.
2. Legal and Policy Development: Reviewing existing frameworks and proposing recommendations to harmonize approaches across countries.
3. Stakeholder Engagement: Organizing consultations and workshops with national authorities, industry representatives, and international organizations to ensure broad input and buy-in.
4. Technology Innovation: Researching and piloting new, environmentally-sound methods for munitions’ detection and remediation.
5. Monitoring Strategy Development: Creating a pan-Baltic plan for permanent surveillance of affected areas.
6. Decision Support Tools: Developing IT solutions to aid risk-assessment, site prioritization and practical remediation planning.
7. Knowledge Sharing: Producing educational materials, hosting symposiums, and providing accessible web-based IT solutions.
8. Pilot Demonstrations: Conducting real-life tests of the project's methods and technologies at selected sites.
9. International Cooperation: Facilitating cross-border collaboration and information exchange among Baltic Sea experts and governments.
Expected recommendations:
• Implement the Baltic Sea-wide monitoring and early warning system for munitions-related threats.
• All countries should apply common standards and protocols for risk assessment and prioritization of remediation sites.
• Increase funding for proactive remediation of sea-dumped munitions, with application of technologies worked out by the MUNIMAP project.
• Integrate munitions management considerations into marine spatial planning and offshore development projects.
• Create a shared database and information exchange platform for all Baltic Sea countries.
• Enhance training programs for maritime professionals on munitions-related risks and proper response procedures.
• Establish a dedicated international body to coordinate Baltic Sea munitions remediation activities.
in numbers.
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- 58.3808896526.719647526956543
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- 60.167488124.9427473
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- 55.69256812.103063
Project partners
- TownSopot
- Region
- CountryPoland
- RegionTrójmiejski
- RepresentativeInstitute of Oceanology of Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAS)
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownGdynia
- Region
- CountryPoland
- RegionTrójmiejski
- RepresentativePolish Naval Academy (PNA)
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownWarszawa
- Region
- CountryPoland
- RegionMiasto Warszawa
- RepresentativeMilitary University Of Technology (WAT)
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownWarszawa
- Region
- CountryPoland
- RegionMiasto Warszawa
- RepresentativeInternational Centre for Chemical Safety and Security (ICCSS)
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownDessau-Roßlau
- Region
- CountryGermany
- RegionDessau-Roßlau, Kreisfreie Stadt
- RepresentativeGerman Environment Agency (UBA)
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownBremerhaven
- Region
- CountryGermany
- RegionBremerhaven, Kreisfreie Stadt
- RepresentativeAlfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownKiel
- Region
- CountryGermany
- RegionKiel, Kreisfreie Stadt
- Representativenorth.io GmbH
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownKiel
- Region
- CountryGermany
- RegionKiel, Kreisfreie Stadt
- RepresentativeKUM GmbH
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownHelsinki
- Region
- CountryFinland
- RegionHelsinki-Uusimaa
- RepresentativeUniversity of Helsinki (UH-VERIFIN)
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownVilnius
- Region
- CountryLithuania
- RegionVilniaus apskritis
- RepresentativeLithuanian Environmental Protection Agency (LEPA)
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownRiga
- Region
- CountryLatvia
- RegionRÄ«ga
- RepresentativeLatvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology (LIAE)
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownTartu
- Region
- CountryEstonia
- RegionLõuna-Eesti
- RepresentativeUniversity of Tartu
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownStockholm
- Region
- CountrySweden
- RegionStockholms län
- RepresentativeCouncil of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS)
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownHelsinki
- Region
- CountryFinland
- RegionHelsinki-Uusimaa
- RepresentativeBaltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM)
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownKjeller
- Region
- CountryNorway
- RegionOslo
- RepresentativeNorwegian Defense Research Establishment (FFI)
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownGdynia
- Region
- CountryPoland
- RegionTrójmiejski
- RepresentativeMaritime Office Gdynia (MOG)
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownRoskilde
- Region
- CountryDenmark
- RegionØstsjælland
- RepresentativeAarhus University (AU/DCE)
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
Project managerJacek BełdowskiInstitute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
Financial managerSylwia BogaczInstitute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
Communication managerAgnieszka JędruchInstitute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
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