Innovative societies Water-smart societies Climate-neutral societies 

Interreg makes a difference!

Explore how people in the Baltic Sea region have been benefitting from our projects.

#MadeWithInterreg solutions for

Cleaner waters

Cleaner waters thanks to viable monitoring system, new methods for removing micropollutants from wastewater and sharing knowledge

What are we doing?

Coordinated actions are the key to cleaning Baltic Sea waters efficiently. Interreg projects that bring people together across sectors and countries stand behind many of them. Not only do they introduce new systemic methods to clean wastewater, but also ensure the spread of knowledge of those methods in the region. Trust in project recommendations directly translates into new policies and investments. In a long run, cooperation in projects exceeds original partnerships and builds grounds for new initiatives and actions to respond to arising challenges.

Examples of #MadeWithInterreg solutions:
  • a platform collecting best practices in smart water operations
  • a risk assessment system to monitor concentrations of micropollutants
  • novel methods to clean wastewater from micropollutants, e.g. pharmaceuticals
  • new technologies to reduce phosphorus losses
  • enhanced water treatment to improve water quality in lakes


What we’ve done so far

The Baltic Sea is one of the most heavily eutrophicated seas in the world. Interreg projects helped improve wastewater treatment, which is one of the factors influencing eutrophication. At the beginning of the 2000s, more than 20 cities collected best practices in water management and shared them with other city administrations around the Baltic Sea region. In 2009-2013, projects showcased that it was possible to reduce discharges of nutrients from wastewater treatment facilities to the level set in the Baltic Sea Action Plan of HELCOM. The HELCOM Action Plan targets were stricter than the EU requirement.

In 2016-2021, projects in cities and villages focused on improving the treatment of wastewater from residents and industries. Partners in projects tested new technologies that increased nutrient removal and reduced energy consumption in cities such as Daugavpils, Gdańsk, Tartu, Jūrmala, Kaunas, and Grevesmühlen. Rural municipalities benefitted from solutions like septic tanks and soil infiltration in Kolgaküla, Gennarby, Ainaži, and Leitgiriai. In other projects, partners tested the pre-treatment of wastewater at poultry, meat, and dairy factories in Leszno, Doruchów, Põltsamaa, and Jelgava. Following this joint work, the partners synthesised more than a hundred examples of smart water operations. Using this knowledge, they helped develop the new Baltic Sea Regional Nutrient Recycling Strategy of HELCOM, and revise the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan. These two strategic documents help achieve a healthy state of the Baltic Sea.

Ongoing projects

The ongoing projects explore new methods to clean wastewater more efficiently and better monitor concentrations of harmful substances and micropollutants in water environments. They address various stages of water management, starting from pollution prevention at its source, extending to robust monitoring and risk assessment practices, and culminating in the adoption of advanced wastewater treatment technologies. The projects aim to influence policy-making processes and implement practical measures for long-term improvements.


Explore the project solutions in detail:


Eliminating Micro-Pollutants from Effluents for REuse STrategies
The project EMPEREST tests advanced treatment technology that helps water utilities and companies better remove organic micropollutants such as PFAS or pharmaceuticals from wastewater.
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Improved risk assessment for strategic water management to reduce micro-pollutant emissions in the Baltic Sea Region
In the project APRIORA, environmental protection agencies and wastewater treatment plants get equipped with a GIS-based risk assessment system to monitor and model concentrations of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in order to improve water management and reduce emissions.
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Application of biological effects methods in monitoring and assessment of contaminants in the Baltic Sea
In the project BEACON, public authorities and governmental organisations develop harmonised methods to assess contamination in the Baltic Sea waters, sediment and biota.
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Improving quality of BSR waters by advanced treatment processes
The project AdvIQwater tests photocatalysis, fungal treatment and biofilms methods to efficiently clean wastewaters from pharmaceuticals.
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NonHazCity 3

Reducing hazardous substances in construction to safeguard the aquatic environment, protect human health and achieve more sustainable buildings
The project NonHazCity 3 helps municipalities, entrepreneurs and individuals construct and renovate buildings with tox-free materials in order to protect health and the environment.
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Building trust in target groups for ALUM treatment - an effective, yet misunderstood method for water quality improvement
The project TRUST ALUM helps public authorities in the Baltic countries make better use of ALUM water treatment and improve water quality in lakes.
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Baltic Sea Munitions Remediation Roadmap
The project MUNIMAP develops a legal and administrative framework for public authorities to initiate joint remediation of dumped munitions from the Baltic Sea and Skagerrak, which pose threats to the marine ecosystem and hinder the maritime economy.
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Start-ups for Solar Energy Communities
To advance in energy transition, the project StartSun establishes six energy communities of different types, and compiles start-up packages for authorities, enterprises and others, with guidance and steps to follow in building their own energy communities.
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There are two interlinked developments that accelerate the transition to clean shipping in Northern Europe: the environmental and the economic development. The aim of this project is to contribute to thriving and sustainable shipping through the analysis of different options for decarbonisation and minimizing the harmful impacts to air quality and the marine environment. We will target all aspects of decarbonisation of the maritime cluster, especially the short sea shipping, including a roadmap for emerging technologies.
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SmartUp Accelerator

SmartUp Accelerator - Innovation Ecosystem to foster consumer cleantech markets in the Baltic Sea Region
The Interreg project SmartUp Accelerator improved conditions for business ideas in consumer cleantech sector and supported start-ups, intermediaries and investors across the Baltic Sea region.
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EmpInno Monitor S3

EmpInno Monitoring Smart Specialisation Strategies
The project EmpInno Monitor S3 equipped public authorities responsible for smart specialisation strategies (RIS3) with improved RIS3 monitoring systems that allow to better assess and design the innovation policy tools.
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Distance LAB

Distance LAB
The ongoing fourth industrial revolution has strong implications for companies, e.g. the need to have a global perspective and to remain able to attract workers with changing expectations and to manage talent flow within companies. Distance LAB wants to ensure that SMEs have tools that keep them well informed and well connected to make rational strategic decision that keep up their innovativeness. Distance LAB wants to provide to agents of innovation support a toolkit for distance interaction softskills to eliminate distance between SMEs, RDI organisations, researchers, test facilities, innovation support agencies, workers etc and end users.
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Baltic Science Network
The project Baltic Science Network strengthened the political ownership of a joint, macro-regional approach towards science policy by setting up a network of ministries and other public bodies responsible for higher education, science and research policies in seven countries around the Baltic Sea.
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Exploring full cycle circular economy for glass fiber industry
The project GlassCircle helps glass fiber manufacturers reduce the environmental impacts of glass fiber waste by bringing it back into use.
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North Sea Baltic Connector of Regions
In the project NSB Core, spatial and transport planners and other experts representing local, regional and national authorities from six countries developed a joint vision on how to ensure better integrated and accessible eastern and southern parts of the Baltic Sea region.
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Baltic InteGrid

Integrated Baltic offshore wind electricity grid development
The Interreg project Baltic Integrid shaped a plan for a coordinated Baltic Sea offshore electricity grid - a big leap forward to removing one of the most important bottlenecks for the development of renewable energy sources in the Baltic Sea region.
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Prosper BSR

Promoting Perspectives for promising potential workforce in the Baltic Sea Region
The project Prosper BSR empowers business support organisations to integrate refugees and immigrants into labour markets, and ensure access to skilled workforce at the same time.
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Baltic Industrial Symbiosis
By strategically connecting companies from different industries, the project BIS promoted industrial symbiosis and helped boost eco-innovation.
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Digital Innovation Capacity Building
The project helped SMEs, industry organisations and public authorities strengthen digital innovation capacity building.

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Facilitation of citizens energy consumption behavioral change in BS cities and municipalities
In the CCI4Change, public authorities cooperate with entrepreneurs from the culture and creative industry (CCI) to better engage with citizens and encourage them to reduce energy consumption.
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Smart and Safe Work Wear Clothing
The Interreg project SWW showcased enterprises manufacturing work wear in the Baltic Sea region how to introduce mass customisation and integrate IT technology into clothing, and by this to increase their competitiveness against new producers and cheap imports from Asian markets.
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Cultural Planning as a method for urban social innovation
The project UrbCulturalPlanning addressed social and urban development by involving citizens in the cultural planning.
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Climate Adaptation Support for Enterprises in the Baltic Sea Region
Research show that four out of five small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) fear impact of climate change on their businesses. All regions in Europe are affected by climate change in some sense.

The project CASES BSR addresses the issue on how climate change affects SMEs and the increasing needs to adopt climate adaptation strategies for a long-term sustainability. The project raises the knowledge by research how various types of SMEs handle it today. The result by the research shall map the foremost needs of support among SMEs.

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Baltic Sea Region Network in Doctoral Training in Nursing/Health Sciences
Personalised health care relies on a patient’s autonomy, trustworthy staff-patient relationship and a shared responsibility. Although it is an essential element of high quality healthcare, it requires streamlined training for health professionals. The project actively supports doctoral student exchange and establishes a closer cooperation and a mentoring programme among universities in the Baltic Sea region to leverage doctoral training and to build on the multidisciplinary research training.
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Predictive Smart Car Charging
The transition to emission-reduced transportation involves various challenges that still ask for appropriate solutions. In order to increase the share of electric vehicle, suitable, affordable and reliable electric vehicle support infrastructures are needed, such as EV charging infrastructures. The PRECHARGE seed money project aims to develop project applications referring to: Knowledge and technology transfer between participating partners (“Predictive Smart Charging”). Implementation of demonstration sites and proof-of-concepts for intelligent EV charging infrastructures Translation of “Predictive Smart Charging” into the Baltic Sea region Reaching social acceptance and public awareness for intelligent EV charging technologies based on artificial intelligence and machine learning including data protection and security. Lowering the barriers for the use and thus strongly enhancing the distribution of electric vehicles in the region.
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Social Empowerment in Rural Areas
In the Interreg project SEMPRE, charity organisations, trainers and universities gave social services in disadvantaged rural areas of the Baltic Sea region a new role: to empower people in need instead of offering help - this brought happiness and hope to elderly people, migrants, single parents and other vulnerable groups.
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Baltic LINes

Coherent Linear Infrastructures in Baltic Maritime Spatial Plans
In the Interreg project Baltic LINes, maritime spatial planners in countries around the Baltic Sea found an efficient way to exchange their national plans for developing energy corridors and shipping routes, and in this way to improve the connectivity across the Baltic Sea.
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Act Now

Act Now: Action for Energy Efficiency in Baltic Cities
The Interreg project Act Now tackled energy efficiency in the existing building stock in cities across the Baltic Sea region and applied self-assessment and customisation of capacities in energy management to ensure increase in energy efficiency.
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Distance LAB

Distance LAB – remote service hub for SME’s and public sector
The project Distance LAB equips public and private organisations with intercultural skills and business support to help them work remotely in an efficient way.
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Better Efficiency for Industrial Sewage Treatment
The project BEST enhanced collaboration among local water utilities, wastewater treatment plants, industrial companies, and local environmental authorities to ensure more efficient management of industrial sewage in the Baltic Sea region and ultimately protect the environment.
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Biobord open innovation platform connecting bioeconomy developers in BSR
The project upgraded and extended the earlier developed digital innovation platform for bioeconomy developers Biobord.
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Baltic Energy Areas – A Planning Perspective
The Interreg project BEA-APP compiled experience from eight countries around the Baltic Sea that helps regional planning authorities to accelerate the setup of windfarms, solar parks, biogas plants and the like.
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Expanding efforts to bring eco-efficiency to maritime industry processes in Baltic Sea Region via digital tools
EXOPRODIGI helped shipowners and builders, crew on vessels, and port operators to increase the eco-efficiency of the shipping sector through digital tools.

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The growing world population demands increased high-quality protein-rich food sources, while simultaneously considering human health, environmental sustainability, with more effective and ecological agricultural practices, and increased biodiversity. In order to increase alternative protein cultivation and boost market share of healthy food the local experiences need a boost on a transnational level. Pilot and demonstration activities are already established on regional / national level, but so far the exchange on the steps of the value chain and improvements thereof have not been set up.
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Energy production improvement based on dynamic mobile positioning data
Unused energy is still a major reason for the insufficient use of energy and thus waste of energy and resources. A more precise prediction of energy consumption would help to increase the efficient use of energy. ENERPO aims to elaborate tools and strategies to improve the prediction of energy consumption in three Baltic States. This could help to better match energy production and demand.
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Arts on Prescription

Arts on Prescription in the Baltic Sea Region
The project Arts on Prescription helps public authorities, cultural and health institutions engage people with mental health challenges in social and non-therapy art activities to improve their mental wellbeing.
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Speeding up Copernicus Innovation for the BSR Environment and Security
The Interreg project BalticSatApps improved the usability of satellite data provided by the European Copernicus Programme and ensured its further integration in decision-making to trigger innovation in the Baltic Sea region.
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Sustainability Reporting Tool
The project SusTool develops a sustainability reporting tool for service and companies in the IT sector that helps better align business performance with sustainability standards.
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Innovative Business Transfer Models for SMEs in the BSR
The project INBETS BSR enabled business support organisations to improve consultations in business transfer and ensure continuity in complex handover processes.
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Promoting commercial fishing of Round Goby in the Baltic Sea
To develop a commercially viable fishery of invasive Round Goby fish species, the project RoundGoby helps authorities amend the legal framework and guides enterprises in producing suitable fishing gear and fish products for local markets.
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Results stay with the people: listen to our #InterregVoices:

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Thanks to Interreg (...), we created momentum for essential aspects of sustainable water management connected to climate change, for example improving the wastewater and storm water management, reducing water pollution, and increasing the application of circular economy principles.

Agnieszka Ilola 

Head of Secretariat, Union of the Baltic Cities, Sustainable Cities Commission

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I can name a large number of examples of project outputs directly integrated into the regional policy framework. The first one is the recommendation on sludge handling. It was largely based on the PURE project. What’s more, the technologies tested in the project PURE to treat wastewater are in regular use now.

Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky

 Special Advisor to HELCOM

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Thanks to Interreg projects, we have improved our public services for our citizens. Our water treatment facility has been involved in benchmarking water management processes and our water management processes have continuously been improving. Now, we have even better water quality and managed to keep the price of our water services at a moderate level.

Minna Arve

Mayor of Turku, Finland

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Interreg projects change
the baltic sea region for the better.

Smart and attractive cities




Wellbeing and inclusion


Support to SMEs


Wastewater management


Hazardous substances


Blue Bioeconomy


Water management



Energy efficiency


Smart green mobility


Renewable energy