I.4 Project contribution to Programme communication

From mobilising relevant partnerships, through enabling projects to succeed to making Interreg acknowledged, project and Programme communication complement each other.

Successful project communication is about using the offered cooperation framework and the Interreg brand to interact with the target groups. In this way, communication helps achieve the project aims and brings these results into practice and to the attention of practitioners and decision makers.

Successful Programme communication relies on good project results to showcase how each project co-funded by Interreg Baltic Sea Region has an impact and improves the life of citizens in the EU. It relies on a reliable community of projects that demonstrates the added value of transnational cooperation in Interreg projects. This is how the Programme ensures that relevant decision makers are aware of project results from the Baltic Sea region and consider Interreg valuable and efficient.

The MA/JS will be in regular contact with the appointed communication managers of the projects. The MA/JS will provide technical tools, templates, communication training and guidance to projects as support for project communication. In return, the MA/JS requires projects to prepare and publish on their respective project subpages at www.interreg-baltic.eu a set of pre-defined communication products. These products are, for example, project summaries, project stories or imagery. These products will be used for communication activities at the Programme level and should additionally reinforce project communication.

The MA/JS will check upon the delivery of these products along the reporting cycle explained below.

Communication products at mid-term stage of the project implementation

Core projects and platforms should publish the following communication products on the project subpage:


a project summary, which follows a storytelling scheme provided by the MA/JS;


a project story in the form of a written interview or video recorded interview (minimum 2 min) with a selected project partner(s);


at least one picture, video or audio product that present the challenge and/or topic tackled by the project;


at least two project quotes with corresponding pictures with a selected project partner(s) and/or target groups;


at least one project contribution to an EU-wide or European Commission event or campaign (see list below).

The project has to include information about finalised products in the mid-term progress report.

Small projects have to prepare and publish a project summary, and report about this communication product in the mid-term progress report.

Communication products towards the end of the project implementation

Core projects and platforms should publish the following communication products on the project subpage:


a project summary, which follows a scheme provided by the MA/JS;


a project story in the form of a written article, audio, video, storymap or something similar that presents the project solutions and/or achievements;


at least one picture, video or audio product with a public copyright licence that presents the project solutions and/or achievements;


at least two project quotes with corresponding pictures from two people from the project partners and/or target groups;


at least one project contribution to an EU-wide or European Commission event or campaign (see list below).

The project has to include information about these finalised products in the final progress report.

By the final progress report, small projects have to prepare and publish the following communication products:


a project story in the form of a written article, audio, video, storymap or something similar that presents the project achievements;


at least one picture, video or audio product with a public copyright license that presents the project solutions and/or achievements;


at least two project quotes with corresponding pictures from two people from the project partners and/or target groups;

Contributions to an EU-wide or European Commission’s event or campaign

A project contribution to an EU-wide or European Commission event or campaign is understood as a physical or virtual representation of the project through:


organising or co-organising a workshop or a session;


delivering a speech or a presentation about the project;


taking an active role in a panel discussion or something similar that is related to the project activities;


organising or co-organising an exhibition stand;


creating or contributing to a publication or video;


holding a project event as a side-event of an EU-wide campaign or event.


EU-wide events or campaigns involve audiences geographically located in and beyond the Baltic Sea region, allowing for increased visibility of the project and the Programme. The project should select events or campaigns that support reaching out and involving their target groups. The list covers, among others:


Europe Day (9 May)


European Cooperation Day (21 September)


Europe in my Region and interrelated campaigns


European Week of Regions and Cities


EU Green Week


EU Industry Days


EU Sustainable Energy Week


Maritime Days


European Research and Innovation Days


European Development Days


Annual Fora of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region


EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week


Events of the EU Missions in HORIZON Europe


Connecting Europe Days


If the lead partner has identified a different event or campaign that would better engage and meet the target groups it is advisable to consult the MA/JS prior to the event.