A.0 Introduction

Programme Manual, version 3.0 (as of 15.08.2022)

The current Manual describes the rules and requirements of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme for projects under Priorities: 1. Innovative societies, 2. Water-smart societies, 3. Climate-neutral societies and 4. Cooperation governance. The Manual mainly addresses applicants, lead partners, project partners and controllers.

Chapter B includes general information about the Programme. In order to understand if the partnership meets the Programme rules, chapter C can be consulted.

In order to decide which project type to apply for, potential applicants should read the chapters on projects types (chapters D, E, F, G). These chapters include short descriptions of each project type. These chapters also provide a description of the procedures and requirements to be followed during the application process and the implementation of the projects.

The following chapter H contains information on project phases: the contracting phase, the implementation and the closure phase. Chapter I provides an overview of the obligations in terms of communication (e.g. visibility requirements), as well as the support that projects receive in this regard. Chapter J provides information concerning any activity taking place outside the Programme Area. Chapter K includes all the procurement rules. Chapter L summarises the changes that can be carried out within projects. Chapter M defines the control (performed by the MA/JS and the controllers), as well as the audit (performed by auditors supporting the audit authority). Chapter N explains the rules related to payments, financial planning and de-commitment. Chapter O details the responsibilities of partners after the project closure. Chapter P describes the rules regarding state aid. Chapter Q outlines to the arrangements for projects facing difficulties or failing to comply with Programme requirements. The last chapter R concerns the resolution of complaints and dispute settlement.