E.4 Reporting

In this chapter the MA/JS describes the main principles of the reporting. The preparation of the progress reports is one of the obligations of the lead partner in cooperation with other partners. In the reporting forms in BAMOS+ project partners can find guidance on what information they should provide in every section of the progress report.

E.4.1 Progress Report

The MA/JS monitors the progress on project achievements and expenditure through the progress reports. A progress report consists of:


an activity report that provides information on the achievements of the project towards its outcomes in every reporting period,


a financial report which provides information on the project’s expenditure for every reporting period.

The duration of each reporting period is usually six months. The first progress report comprises at least nine months as it covers the contracting phase and the first six months of the implementation period. The final progress report comprises between six and nine months as it covers at least the last three months of the implementation period and three months closure phase. The final progress report has to be submitted by the end of the closure phase. The exact date of the project closure is provided in the latest version of the project data in BAMOS+.

The lead partner compiles all contributions of the partners into one progress report and submits it for each reporting period to the MA/JS via BAMOS+. The activity report must include information on the achievement of the whole partnership, including partners, which do not report any expenditure in the relevant reporting period.

The deadlines for submission and the number of reports is defined in BAMOS+. In cases where the project cannot meet a deadline for submission of a progress report, the lead partner has to submit a request for postponement via BAMOS+. This must happen, at the latest, by the actual deadline for submission of the given progress report. The MA/JS decides on any request for postponement and may consider consequences for a delayed progress report.

The MA/JS checks the submitted progress report and, if necessary, requests additional information during the clarifications process. The MA/JS will reimburse the costs reported in a progress report when the lead partner clarifies all open questions. Please find further details relating to the verification of the progress report in chapter M.

E.4.2 Partner Report

Project partners (incl. the lead partner) compile a partner report and submit it to the lead partner via BAMOS+. A partner report consists of the following parts:


Part A.

activity part,


Part B.

financial part for cost categories covered by simplified cost options,

The MA/JS verifies and certifies cost categories covered by simplified cost options during monitoring of the progress report i.e. after the lead partner has submitted the complete progress report. Since the partner report includes only expenditure based on the simplified cost options, it is not subject to verification by the controllers. Please check figure 3 in chapter D.4.2 to see the reporting process for costs covered by simplified cost options.

E.4.3 Reporting on project outcomes (activity report)

Progress report

In the activity part of every progress report partners should describe the project achievements resulted from the implemented activities. Partners should demonstrate progress towards development of their outputs.

Mid-term progress report

In addition to the information on achievements, in the mid-term report partners should explain their inputs to the Programme communication. Please consult Chapter I for the requirements on communication inputs.

Final progress report

In the final report partners should report on the output and result indicators. The indicators are linked to the involved organisations, pilots and the developed solutions. The definitions of the indicators can be found in the reporting forms in BAMOS+.

Similarly to the mid-term progress report the partners also report on inputs to the Programme communication.

With the final progress report, the lead partner should also submit an additional annex. This annex contains conclusions on project implementation, including lessons learned and follow up activities.