I.7 Intellectual property rights

Upon request, all project partners are obliged to provide the IB.SH as well as European Union institutions, bodies, offices or agencies with any communication materials produced in the project. All project partners are obliged to offer them under a royalty-free, non-exclusive and irrevocable licence and without significant additional costs or administrative burden. This license on intellectual property rights grant to the EU and IB.SH the following rights¹:

¹REGULATION (EU) 2021/1060, Article 49(6) and Annex IX of that regulation

internal use i.e. right to reproduce, copy and make available the communication and visibility materials to EU and EU Member States' institutions and agencies and their employees;


reproduction of the communication and visibility materials by any means and in any form, in whole or in part;


communication to the public of the communication and visibility materials by using any and all means of communication;


distribution to the public of the communication and visibility materials (or copies thereof) in any and all forms;


storage and archiving of the communication and visibility materials;


sub-licensing of the rights on the communication and visibility materials to third parties;


additional rights may be granted to the EU and IB.SH.