L.1 Minor changes and budget flexibility

Minor changes are adjustments that do not have a significant impact on project implementation. Projects can inform the MA/JS about the minor changes, e.g. via progress reports. These changes do not require prior approval by the MA/JS.

Table 19 Minor changes in the project

Type of change

1. Contact data change of the lead partner, project partners or of associated organisations, change of the bank account of the LP

To do list

  • Update and submit the “Contact & bank information” section in BAMOS+



Type of change

2. Name and/or address change of a project partner or of the lead partner

To do list

  • Request, update and submit a new version of the application form
  • Update and submit a new partner declaration

This type of change strictly refers to pure name changes. If there is a change in the legal status or a legal successor, projects have to apply for a major change.

Type of change

3. Change of the VAT status

To do list

  • Request, update and submit a new version of the application form.


Applicable only to core projects.

Type of change

4. Work plan adjustments

Projects may introduce minor adjustments in the work plan.

These may be related to:

  • a change of format of an activity or deliverable,
  • the implementation timeline of one or more activities or deliverables
  • the involvement of project partners in a work package or activity

To do list

  • Communicate the adjustments to the MA/JS either via progress reports or via the messaging centre.
  • If necessary request, update and submit a new version of the application via BAMOS+.

The MA/JS encourage projects to report in advance on any upcoming adjustments and on their impact.


Projects cannot modify the planned approach, nature and use of the outputs. In this case projects have to apply for a major change.

Example 1: Instead of carrying out a target group workshop in the project implementation month 8, the partnership sees it more relevant to organise a back-to-back event during a large-scale international forum (e.g. fair) in month 10. As a result, an output that includes target groups’ conclusions will be delivered at the end of month 10.

Example 2: instead of collecting target groups’ opinions via questionnaires it was decided to hold two target groups’ workshops. The implementation timeline is unaffected.

Type of change


Budget flexibility allows projects to overspend on one or more of their approved cost categories by 20% or EUR 40,000, whichever is higher.

To do list

  • Lead partners follow the flexibility on the overall project level in every progress report.
  • The calculation in the progress report form is automatic. Exceeding the flexibility will result in an error notification. In such cases:
    • Correct the progress report before submission to the MA/JS, or
    • Consult MA/JS regarding the possibility of applying for a major change.


Projects cannot:

  • Exceed the total partner budgets
  • Exceed the total project budget
  • Change the nature and use of the planned investment items and outputs
  • Change the spending plan

Example of a project with total budget of EUR 1.08 million

Cost category (planned value)

Cat 1 – EUR 600,000

Cat 2 – EUR 90,000

Cat 3 – EUR 90,000

Cat 4  – EUR 300,000

Cost category (reported value)

EUR 580,000

EUR 87,000

EUR 87,000

EUR 326,000

Total project budget, difference planned vs. reported


EUR – 20,000

EUR -3,000

EUR -3,000

EUR +26,000 (+8.66%)