I.5 Visibility requirements

Lead partners and project partners in all Programme objectives have to follow the visibility requirements for all co-financed visibility, transparency and communication activities.¹

¹REGULATION (EU) 2021/1060 Article 47

In this way the project partners properly acknowledge the support from Interreg, and communicate the role and achievements of Interreg. Visibility requirements apply to all co-financed printed and digital products, publications, websites (including their mobile views), online, offline and on-site activities and events. Specific regulations apply to the physical investments and purchase of equipment of the project partners.

In order to properly follow the visibility requirements, project partners in priorities 1-3 and Programme objective 4.1 (platforms) have to:


a) Include the project logo, which consists of the following elements:


the emblem of the European Union presented in accordance with the technical specifications laid down in Annex IX of the EU Common Provisions Regulation 2021/1060;


the statement ‘Co-funded by the European Union’ written in full and placed next to the emblem of the European Union;


the Programme name ‘Interreg Baltic Sea Region’ placed next to the emblem of the Union;


the project´s short name;


the applicable Programme priority (icon) and objective.


b) Include a statement on the Interreg support that highlights the support from Interreg in all documents and communication materials for participants of project events and general public;


c) Include on the partner's official website and social media sites, if such exist, a short description of the project, proportionate to the level of support, including project’s aims and results, and highlighting the financial support from Interreg.


d) Display durable plaques or billboards clearly visible to the public for physical investments or purchase of equipment for projects the total budget of which exceed EUR 100,000 that:


present the emblem of the European Union in accordance with the technical characteristics laid down in Annex IX of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060;


are installed as soon as the project with planned physical investments starts, the purchase of equipment starts or purchased equipment is installed.


e) Publicly display at least one poster of a minimum size A3 or equivalent electronic display (at partner locations) to highlight the support from Interreg, if durable plaques or billboards are installed this is not applicable.


f) For project platforms as projects of strategic importance and those projects whose total costs exceed EUR 5,000,000, organise a communication event and involve the European Commission and the MA/JS.

In order to properly follow the visibility requirements, projects partners in projects under Programme objective 4.2 Macro-regional governance have to:


a) include the Programme logo (which consists of the emblem of the European Union, the statement ‘Co-funded by the European Union’, and the Programme name ‘Interreg Baltic Sea Region);


b) include the logo of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region to underline their contribution to the implementation of the Strategy;


c) include a statement that highlights the support from Interreg in all documents and communication materials for participants of project events and general public;


d) include on the partner's official website and social media sites, if such exist, a short description of the project, proportionate to the level of support, including project’s aims and results, and highlighting the financial support from Interreg;


e) Publicly display at least one poster of a minimum size A3 or equivalent electronic display (at partner locations) to highlight the support from Interreg.

The compliance with the visibility rules will be checked throughout the project implementation.

The project risks adverse financial consequences when it disregards visibility requirements. If amendments to violated visibility requirements are not possible, the MA/JS may cancel up to 2% of the support from the Programme co-financing. The financial cuts take into account the principle of proportionality.

In order to be further familiarised with the legal requirements and technical specification of the practical use of the EU emblem, please check the following regulations at https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=OJ:L:2021:231:TOC


Responsibilities of beneficiaries: Article 36 of the Regulation (EU) 2021/1059 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 June 2021,


Responsibilities of beneficiaries: Article 47, 50 of the Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 June 2021,


Technical specifications of using the EU emblem, incl. size and colours: Annex IX of the Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 June 2021.

Please note.

Apart from the Programme logo, no other visual identity or logo must be used to highlight the support from the EU.