priority 3: Climate-neutral Societies

Objective 3.2
Energy transition

The Programme supports actions for the decarbonisation of energy systems in the region in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The solutions shall increase energy efficiency in industrial production processes as well as in public and private building stock. The Programme also encourages actions to increase renewable energy production from locally available resources.

What is energy transition ?

The Programme supports actions that target the decarbonisation of energy systems in the region in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Increase energy efficiency and renewable use

The Programme encourages the development of solutions that increase energy efficiency in industrial production processes as well as in public and private building stock. The Programme also encourages actions that develop and test solutions to increase renewable energy production from locally available resources. In addition, actions may help with renewable energy distribution and integration into various sectors, like building, industry, district heating and cooling.


Mobilise industry and citizens

Actions may adapt and update policies and regulations as well as coordinate plans and the application of solutions across borders. Actions may mobilise industry and citizens to apply energy solutions for climate neutrality and plan wider deployment with other public or private funds.

What can I do in my project?

We believe our projects help implement several important strategies in our region, and, in particular, the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and its policy areas Energy, Bioeconomy, and Spatial Planning.


Update policy for climate neutrality

Rethink policies and regulations and update national, regional or local energy plans for climate neutrality;


Test coordination of renewable energy across borders

Test coordination mechanisms across borders for development of renewable energy projects, considering spatial planning needs;


Combine power sources

Introduce solutions for localised energy grids, combining multiple power sources


Accelerate production of renewable energy

Accelerate the establishment of systems for producing, storing and using renewable energy, and in particular, renewable electricity from locally available resources, with application of innovative technologies;


Speed up the "renovation wave"

Address administrative, legal and financial barriers to speed up a ‘renovation wave’ of public and private buildings, incl. designing innovative financing schemes or combining energy efficiency measures with renewable energy application;


Integrate & interconnect energy systems

Strengthen integration of different energy systems and interconnect energy consumers from different sectors;


Design public support services

Design public support policies to encourage wider production, supply and storage of renewable energy;


Strenghten involvement of citizens

Pilot actions that strengthen the involvement of citizens and industry in decarbonising energy systems, including development and testing guidelines for energy districts and standards for green industry certification, as well as assessment of green-house gas emissions and their decrease in a coherent way across borders.

Get inspired by the ongoing projects 


Baltic Offshore Wind Energy to Hydrogen
The project BOWE2H connects authorities, policy-makers, researchers, manufacturers and other experts to co-create a roadmap for a joint offshore wind and hydrogen energy system in the region.
Read more about the project


Facilitation of citizens energy consumption behavioral change in BS cities and municipalities
In the CCI4Change, public authorities cooperate with entrepreneurs from the culture and creative industry (CCI) to better engage with citizens and encourage them to reduce energy consumption.
Read more about the project


Reduction of Pharmaceutical Emissions from Dispersed Point Sources in Rural Areas
Pharmaceuticals are essential for health care but difficult to remove from our waste waters. The Baltic Sea receives constantly loads not only emitted in the coastal areas but also within the catchment areas. In these rural areas, many small point sources accumulate and may pose a risk to the environment. The project attempts to identify, quantify and evaluate the pharmaceutical loads as well as developing an approach to prioritize point sources regarding advanced treatment technologies.
Read more about the project


TENTacle - Capitalising on TEN-T core network corridors for prosperity, growth and cohesion
The Interreg project TENTacle equipped public authorities and industry around the Baltic Sea with recommendations on how to benefit from the core transport network corridors in order to boost prosperity and growth around the Baltic Sea.
Read more about the project
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Four priorities & nine objectives

Four priorities for cooperation

Interreg Baltic Sea Region 2021-2027 creates opportunities for organisations to connect
as if there were no borders. With experience and EU funding, we help them cooperate and put their ideas
 into practice. Jointly, we make the life of people around the Baltic Sea better.

The Programme is structured along with four priorities. They guide partners in achieving the most when cooperating across borders.

Priority 1

Innovative societies

1.1 Resilient economies and communities
1.2 Responsive public services

Priority 2

Water-smart societies

2.1 Sustainable waters
2.2 Blue economy

Priority 3

Climate-neutral societies

3.1 Circular economy
3.2 Energy transition
3.3 Smart green mobility

Priority 4

Cooperation governance

4.1 Project platform
4.2 Macro-regional governance


Overview: all the Programme objectives

Resilient economies and communities

Objective 1.1
under Priority 1: Innovative societies

Sustainable waters

Objective 2.1
under Priority 2: Water-smart societies

Circular economy

Objective 3.1
under Priority 3: Climate-neutral societies

Project platforms

Objective 4.1
under Priority 4: Cooperation governance

Responsive public service

Objective 1.2
under Priority 1: Innovative societies

Blue economy

Objective 2.2
under Priority 2: Water-smart societies

Energy transition

Objective 3.2
under Priority 3: Climate-neutral societies

Macro-regional governance

Objective 4.2
under Priority 4: Cooperation governance

Smart green mobility

Objective 3.3
under Priority 3: Climate-neutral societies

Resilient economies and communities

Objective 1.1
under Priority 1: Innovative societies

Responsive public service

Objective 1.2
under Priority 1: Innovative societies

Sustainable waters

Objective 2.1
under Priority 2: Water-smart societies

Blue economy

Objective 2.2
under Priority 2: Water-smart societies

Climate-neutral societies

Objective 3.1
under Priority 3: Climate-neutral societies

Energy transition

Objective 3.2
under Priority 3: Climate-neutral societies

Smart green mobility

Objective 3.3
under Priority 3: Climate-neutral societies

Project platforms

Objective 4.1
under Priority 4: Cooperation governance

Macro-regional governance

Objective 4.2
under Priority 4: Cooperation governance


107 directions to shine!

107 directions to shine!

In the third call for project applications, the Programme has received as many as 107 applications with a variety of ideas on how to build innovative and climate-neutral societies in the Baltic Sea region. ​

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First small projects finalising, first great outcomes!

First small projects finalising, first great outcomes!

As our first 17 small projects are coming to an end, let’s embrace the first results in place and invaluable experiences of people working as if there were no borders. Dive with us into the stories of three of our small projects and discover the nature of small projects as such.

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Your Vote, Our Future, Our Region

Your Vote, Our Future, Our Region

Your vote holds the key to a sustainable future for the Baltic Sea and its communities. In the dynamic land of EU initiatives, your participation drives impactful change. Dive with us in the landscape of EU’s achievements and discover what your vote can do for your region.

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