priority 3: Climate-neutral Societies

Objective 3.3
Smart green mobility

A green and well-functioning cross-border mobility system is vital for the development of the region. The Programme supports the smooth movement of people and goods in and across urban and rural areas while saving resources by increasing efficiency, integrating different transport modes and accelerating digitalisation.

What is smart green mobility?

The Baltic Sea region has big potential to achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions for the mobility in its cities, towns and rural areas connected to them by using renewable fuels, clean electricity and digitalisation. A green mobility system well-functioning also cross-borders is vital for the development of the Baltic Sea region. The Programme supports actions that ensure the smooth movement of people and goods in and across urban and rural areas while saving resources by increasing efficiency, integrating different transport modes and accelerating digitalisation.

Green and intelligent mobility solutions

The Programme encourages the development of solutions that harmonise mobility systems across borders and thus enabling a coherent use of green mobility solutions. Further, the Programme encourages actions that enhance the capacity of public authorities in national, regional and urban planning to introduce green and intelligent mobility solutions to reduce pollution in cities and towns and their hinterland. The Programme wants to mobilise transport companies and citizens to actively use green and intelligent mobility solutions. In this way the objective does not aim only on introducing technical solutions but also on changes in mobility behaviours and demands.


Charging infrastructure

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) offer a strategic and integrated approach for dealing effectively with the complexities of smart and green mobility topics. Therefore, whenever possible the developed mobility solutions should be based on existing SUMPs or be part of the revised or newly developed SUMPs.

What can I do in my project?

We believe our projects help implement several important strategies in our region, and, in particular, the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and its policy areas Transport, Energy and Spatial Planning.


Harmonise mobility systems

Develop common standards to harmonise mobility systems in order to ensure the compatibility of green solutions between cities, towns their hinterland and across borders, e.g. for charging systems, new modes of vehicles.


Deploy green and multimodal transport solutions

Support national, regional and local public authorities in developing, testing, procuring and deploying green and multimodal transport as an integrated service using digital tools.


Apply digital solutions

Test, introduce and apply digital solutions (big data analytics, real-time data processing, intelligent transport systems) that regulate traffic flow, optimise the transport of people and goods, and predict changing mobility patterns.


Apply e-mobility solutions

Plan and pilot e-mobility, smart grid services and charging stations, including locally-produced electricity, and connect green energy to existing energy grids.


Advance freight mobility

Advance freight mobility through introducing shared solutions and distributed centres using digital platforms to maximise the efficiency of vehicle utilisation.


Advance low-emission, green, smart solutions

Use innovative technologies and planning infrastructure to advance low-emission, green, smart solutions in multimodal transport.


Rethink transport planning

Rethink urban, rural and regional spatial and transport planning adapting to vehicle and service innovation as well as to promote space efficient mobility of all modes (autonomous, connected, electric, shared and active mobility options, e.g. walking and biking).


Foster renewable fuels

Test and deploy innovative technologies and planning infrastructure to produce, store and distribute renewable fuels (e.g. biofuels, hydrogen) in cities and regions to replace diesel and petrol in transport.


Support charging infrastructure

Plan charging infrastructure at public transport stations and freight hubs, repurpose gas or petrol stations as charging hubs for renewable fuels.

Get inspired by the ongoing projects 


Developing a transnational network of hydrogen refuelling stations for trucks
The project HyTruck helps public authorities design a network of hydrogen refuelling stations for large trucks, bringing the region closer to zero–emissions in road freight transport.
Read more about the project


Bike across the Baltic - Improving bicycle tourism around the Baltic Sea
The project BAB helps public authorities across the region harmonise infrastructure development of the Baltic Sea Cycle route and promote cycling tourism in the region.
Read more about the project


Revitalisation of Inner-Urban Freight Rail Hubs
The project UrbFRail enables spatial and transport planners to create and revitalise freight rail hubs to improve last-mile transport in inner parts of the cities.
Read more about the project

Blue Platform

Bioeconomy for Blue Growth in the Baltic Sea Region – a platform project to capitalize on the outputs of complementary transnational projects
Blue Platform compiled solutions from Interreg and Horizon projects in blue bioeconomy to pave the way for emerging economic opportunities that explore innovative and sustainable uses of marine resources.
Read more about the project
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Four priorities & nine objectives

Four priorities for cooperation

Interreg Baltic Sea Region 2021-2027 creates opportunities for organisations to connect
as if there were no borders. With experience and EU funding, we help them cooperate and put their ideas into practice.

Jointly, we make the life of people around the Baltic Sea better.

The Programme is structured along with four priorities. They guide partners in achieving the most when cooperating across borders.

Priority 1

Innovative societies

1.1 Resilient economies and communities
1.2 Responsive public services

Priority 2

Water-smart societies

2.1 Sustainable waters
2.2 Blue economy

Priority 3

Climate-neutral societies

3.1 Circular economy
3.2 Energy transition
3.3 Smart green mobility

Priority 4

Cooperation governance

4.1 Project platform
4.2 Macro-regional governance


Overview: all the Programme objectives

Resilient economies and communities

Objective 1.1
under Priority 1: Innovative societies

Sustainable waters

Objective 2.1
under Priority 2: Water-smart societies

Circular economy

Objective 3.1
under Priority 3: Climate-neutral societies

Project platforms

Objective 4.1
under Priority 4: Cooperation governance

Responsive public service

Objective 1.2
under Priority 1: Innovative societies

Blue economy

Objective 2.2
under Priority 2: Water-smart societies

Energy transition

Objective 3.2
under Priority 3: Climate-neutral societies

Macro-regional governance

Objective 4.2
under Priority 4: Cooperation governance

Smart green mobility

Objective 3.3
under Priority 3: Climate-neutral societies

Resilient economies and communities

Objective 1.1
under Priority 1: Innovative societies

Responsive public service

Objective 1.2
under Priority 1: Innovative societies

Sustainable waters

Objective 2.1
under Priority 2: Water-smart societies

Blue economy

Objective 2.2
under Priority 2: Water-smart societies

Climate-neutral societies

Objective 3.1
under Priority 3: Climate-neutral societies

Energy transition

Objective 3.2
under Priority 3: Climate-neutral societies

Smart green mobility

Objective 3.3
under Priority 3: Climate-neutral societies

Project platforms

Objective 4.1
under Priority 4: Cooperation governance

Macro-regional governance

Objective 4.2
under Priority 4: Cooperation governance


Pilot of the BalMarGrav product

The working group would like to invite for taking part in the pilot activity of the BalMarGrav project, which will last until 23 September 2024. The aim of...

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Committed to the region, together!

Committed to the region, together!

The Kiel Fjord glittering in the sunshine, ships sounding their horns and seagulls squawking provided yet another perfect Baltic Sea backdrop for the 32nd Annual Conference of the Baltic Sea States Subregional Co-operation (BSSSC) on the 19-20 September 2024. On 20 September, the Interreg Baltic Sea Region team organised a workshop at the conference.​

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