priority 2: Water-smart Societies

Objective 2.1
Sustainable waters

The Programme supports actions that improve the state of water in the region and make its management more sustainable. These waters include the Baltic Sea, coastal waters and inland waters like rivers, lakes and groundwater.

What are sustainable waters?

The Programme supports actions that improve the state of water in the region and make its management more sustainable. These waters include the Baltic Sea, coastal waters and inland waters like rivers, lakes and groundwater.

Prevent & reduce water pollution

The Programme encourages actions that implement available solutions to prevent and reduce water pollution across various waterways. Actions may develop new solutions and apply them widely in the region. Actions may adapt water management practices to changing climate conditions in urban, rural and coastal areas, such as storms, floods or droughts. Actions may support adapting water management strategies to emerging challenges.


Shared water resources

Where possible, actions should be cross-sectoral as water resources and catchments are shared by multiple sectors and stakeholders. Relevant sectors include municipal and regional water management, agriculture, aquaculture, fishery, forestry, waste management, industry and households.

What can I do in my project?

We believe our projects help implement several important strategies in our region, and, in particular, the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and its policy areas Nutri, Hazards, Bioeconomy, Secure, and Health.


Introduce good practices to prevent emissions

Engage authorities, companies, advisories and local communities to introduce good practices to prevent nutrient and hazardous substance emissions in water, incl. interaction across sectors, and test solutions to recycle nutrients or business models for ecosystem services.


Use water reasonably

Adapt water management practices across sectors to use water reasonably (e.g. reuse, retain, recirculate).


Reduce risks of water pollution

Improve water management practices across sectors to reduce risks of water pollution aggravated by climate change (e.g. coastal erosion).


Adapt water management

Adapt water management and other strategies to emerging pollutants or new solutions to eutrophication.


Address effects of climate change

Rethink planning processes for more effective water management (e.g. during storms, floods, droughts and groundwater scarcity), also developing greening plans, nature-based and digital solutions.


Shift behaviour

Pilot actions to shift consumer and production patterns to prevent water pollution e.g. reducing plastic use, handling pharmaceuticals.

Get inspired by the ongoing projects 


Eliminating Micro-Pollutants from Effluents for REuse STrategies
The project EMPEREST tests advanced treatment technology that helps water utilities and companies better remove organic micropollutants such as PFAS or pharmaceuticals from wastewater.
Read more about the project


Promoting water reuse in the Baltic Sea Region through capacity building at local level
In the project WaterMan, public authorities and water companies model strategies to reuse water and recirculate retained water, e.g. for industry and agriculture.
Read more about the project

Lakes connect

Building networking hub for units interested in lakes protection in Baltic Sea tourist regions
The project Lakes connect establishes cooperation among authorities, NGOs and researchers in order to reduce the impact of tourism on water quality in lakes.
Read more about the project


Building trust in target groups for ALUM treatment - an effective, yet misunderstood method for water quality improvement
The project TRUST ALUM helps public authorities in the Baltic countries make better use of ALUM water treatment and improve water quality in lakes.
Read more about the project
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Four priorities & nine objectives

Four priorities for cooperation

Interreg Baltic Sea Region 2021-2027 creates opportunities for organisations to connect
as if there were no borders. With experience and EU funding, we help them cooperate and put their ideas
 into practice. Jointly, we make the life of people around the Baltic Sea better.

The Programme is structured along with four priorities. They guide partners in achieving the most when cooperating across borders.

Priority 1

Innovative societies

1.1 Resilient economies and communities
1.2 Responsive public services

Priority 2

Water-smart societies

2.1 Sustainable waters
2.2 Blue economy

Priority 3

Climate-neutral societies

3.1 Circular economy
3.2 Energy transition
3.3 Smart green mobility

Priority 4

Cooperation governance

4.1 Project platform
4.2 Macro-regional governance


Overview: all the Programme objectives

Resilient economies and communities

Objective 1.1
under Priority 1: Innovative societies

Sustainable waters

Objective 2.1
under Priority 2: Water-smart societies

Circular economy

Objective 3.1
under Priority 3: Climate-neutral societies

Project platforms

Objective 4.1
under Priority 4: Cooperation governance

Responsive public service

Objective 1.2
under Priority 1: Innovative societies

Blue economy

Objective 2.2
under Priority 2: Water-smart societies

Energy transition

Objective 3.2
under Priority 3: Climate-neutral societies

Macro-regional governance

Objective 4.2
under Priority 4: Cooperation governance

Smart green mobility

Objective 3.3
under Priority 3: Climate-neutral societies

Resilient economies and communities

Objective 1.1
under Priority 1: Innovative societies

Responsive public service

Objective 1.2
under Priority 1: Innovative societies

Sustainable waters

Objective 2.1
under Priority 2: Water-smart societies

Blue economy

Objective 2.2
under Priority 2: Water-smart societies

Climate-neutral societies

Objective 3.1
under Priority 3: Climate-neutral societies

Energy transition

Objective 3.2
under Priority 3: Climate-neutral societies

Smart green mobility

Objective 3.3
under Priority 3: Climate-neutral societies

Project platforms

Objective 4.1
under Priority 4: Cooperation governance

Macro-regional governance

Objective 4.2
under Priority 4: Cooperation governance


107 directions to shine!

107 directions to shine!

In the third call for project applications, the Programme has received as many as 107 applications with a variety of ideas on how to build innovative and climate-neutral societies in the Baltic Sea region. ​

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First small projects finalising, first great outcomes!

First small projects finalising, first great outcomes!

As our first 17 small projects are coming to an end, let’s embrace the first results in place and invaluable experiences of people working as if there were no borders. Dive with us into the stories of three of our small projects and discover the nature of small projects as such.

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Your Vote, Our Future, Our Region

Your Vote, Our Future, Our Region

Your vote holds the key to a sustainable future for the Baltic Sea and its communities. In the dynamic land of EU initiatives, your participation drives impactful change. Dive with us in the landscape of EU’s achievements and discover what your vote can do for your region.

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