Clean Shipping Project Platform
PROGRAMME 2014-2020
3 Transport
3.4 Clean shipping


The Interreg platform CSHIPP pushed clean shipping forward in the Baltic Sea region by bringing research, business and policy makers together to introduce new policies and discuss promising technological change.
The opportunity

Cross-sectoral dialogue for increased capacity of maritime actors

The Baltic Sea region is a frontrunner in clean shipping. The gap between research, business and policy-making, however, hinders further and faster development of the field. The Interreg Clean Shipping Project Platform addressed this challenge by bringing together research, business and policy-making actors into a dialogue with each other in events and workshops. By showcasing the results of several projects working with these themes, the CSHIPP also triggered new ideas and synergies. Last but not least, CSHIPP is also a strong voice for the valuable work done in projects which would not be possible without EU funding.

Clean shipping projects synthesising their know-how

CSHIPP brought together projects and organisations that focused on enhancing clean shipping in the Baltic Sea region. The objective was to increase the impact of and connect the dots between the several projects working for clean shipping: as the involved projects look at the topic from different angles, CSHIPP synthesised the projects’ results to give a holistic outlook in a concise and easily comprehensible format.

Environmental performance and business potential go hand-in-hand

CSHIPP activities revolved around two key themes: (1) the environmental effects of shipping in the BSR and (2) the business potential of clean shipping in the Baltic Sea region. By discussing these themes both separately and simultaneously, CSHIPP underlined that environmentally friendly shipping and profitable business are not exclusionary but, in fact, support one another.

Projects represented in this platform:


in numbers
  • 1.08
  • 0.69
  • 0.09
    Eni + Russia
  • 0.04


Joint work on clean shipping

The CSHIPP project platform synthesised knowledge on how to reduce the environmental effects of shipping, make shipping cleaner, and enhance its business potential. The partners focused on the results of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region projects and enriched the synthesis with the outcomes from projects of the BONUS research programme and the Connecting Europe Facility.

A compilation of promising technologies

The partners compiled the technologies and policy measures to reduce harmful emissions and decarbonise the maritime industry and introduced them to the shipping industry, policy makers and national authorities in the Baltic Sea region.

Alternative fuels and energy sources, such as hydrogen, ammonia, electricity and biofuels, could provide viable options for decreasing harmful emissions from shipping. Emission abatement technologies such as scrubbers could help remove particulate matter and harmful components including sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides from exhaust gasses of ships. New technologies and digital solutions could make it possible to monitor vessel performance, discover inefficiencies and streamline processes to reduce energy consumption, emissions and waste. Finally, policies and regulations, such as emissions control areas, could govern and guide the maritime industry towards cleaner choices and practices.

Uplifting clean shipping policies

CSHIPP also supported the policy process in the shipping sector. Based on the policy recommendations from the participating projects and further discussion with the regional authorities, the partners formulated two priority policy options to ensure clean shipping: scrubber wash water and onshore power development. Together with the HELCOM Maritime working group, the partners identified the next steps toward developing future HELCOM recommendations for clean shipping in the Baltic Sea area.  In addition, the platform partners cooperated intensely with the coordinators of the EUSBSR policy area Ship in the policy work.

All in all, the CSHIPP platform strengthened the dialogue among researchers, policy-makers, and maritime industry to advance clean shipping in the region.


State of play and future needs of clean shipping

The report describes the current status and future needs of clean shipping, based on synthesised knowledge on control of emissions from ships, alternative fuels for shipping, operational energy efficiency management and alternative operating modes for clean shipping. This report is relevant for the whole maritime cluster, in particular for ship owners, operators and shipbuilders.

Policy guidance on scrubber wash water and the development of shore power at ports

CSHIPP developed policy guidance supporting the work of the HELCOM Maritime Working Group and the EUSBSR policy areas Ship and Energy on the topic of clean shipping. The platform partners together with clean shipping stakeholders identified two measures as priority policy options for advancing the clean shipping: the discharge of scrubber wash waters in the marine environment and the development of shore power in ports. This policy guidance explains the steps needed to implement recommendations for the use of scrubbers and shore power for ships in ports in the Baltic Sea region.

A story map: a tour into enhancing clean shipping in the Baltic Sea Region

The CSHIPP’s interactive story map describes the work done for environmentally friendly shipping in the Baltic Sea region. In addition to promoting clean shipping, the story map provides interesting insights into the role and importance of waterborne transportation in the Baltic Sea region. The story map is for use of anyone interested in clean shipping, including students.

Best practices in clean shipping financing in Europe

This manual presents several funding sources and instruments for implementing clean shipping projects, such as Horizon 2020, European structural and investment funds, Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme, Connecting Europe Facility, and Green Shipping Loan Programme. In addition, the manual presents practical cases of clean shipping financing by exploring projects which have received EU funding. The manual is targeted to industry end-users in the private sector as well as to research organisations and public authorities interested in finding out more about available funding options and combinations that can be utilised.

Knowledge gaps and research strategies on the environmental impacts of shipping and their mitigation

The report reviews clean shipping policies and their environmental effects and highlights important knowledge gaps. It also outlines possible strategies for research on impacts of shipping on the environment and climate. The report is useful for authorities, clean shipping policy process within the Baltic Sea region as well as for others interested in the topic.

Project Stories

  • 03.08.2021

    Low-carbon mobility solutions to green our future

    In line with the EU’s climate neutrality target, our Programme supported several initiatives tackling the diverse challenges faced by the Baltic Sea region’s transport sector. We united our efforts to make our region more accessible, better connected and less polluted, ultimately improving the overall mobility experience in the area while protecting the environment. Read how Interreg Go LNG, BSR electric and Sohjoa Baltic have contributed to green mobility and innovation in transport sectors in the region.
    Read full story
  • 14.04.2021

    Interreg fights aliens in the Baltic Sea

    At any moment in the Baltic marine area, about 2,000 ships are transporting people, goods, but also stowaways: marine organisms from distant places, like Harris mud crabs, that colonise the Baltic Sea waters. The Interreg project COMPLETE brought together people with smart ideas how to translate the existing regulations into a working system to prevent alien species from invading the Baltic Sea.
    Read full story
  • 15.07.2019

    Coherent planning of shipping and offshore energy across borders with Baltic LINes

    The Baltic Sea experiences an increasing demand for coherent spatial planning in order to bring shipping routes and offshore renewable energy infrastructure together. Project partners from nine countries worked across borders to tackle the challenge of scarce space available and competing economic interests of the different sectors active in and around the Baltic Sea in the Interreg project Baltic LINes.
    Read full story
  • 21.12.2016

    EnviSuM study in Gothenburg proves sulphur emissions reduced by 70%

    The Sniffer is a measuring station located at the entrance to the port of Gothenburg, the partners of the EnviSuM project use to remotely measure emissions of ships passing by. Following the introduction of the Sulphur Emission Control Area (SECA) regulations, a recent study by EnviSuM revealed that the port of Gothenburg experienced a major reduction in sulphur emissions by 70 % in only a year.
    Read full story


University of Turku

  • Town
  • Region
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Centrum Balticum Foundation

  • Town
  • Region
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Finnish Meteorological Institute

  • Town
  • Region
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

IVL, Swedish Environmental research Institute

  • Town
  • Region
    Västra Götalands län
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission - Helsinki Commission (HELCOM)

  • Town
  • Region
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Norwegian Meteorological Institute

  • Town
  • Region
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Chalmers University of Technology

  • Town
  • Region
    Västra Götalands län
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Tallinn University of Technology

  • Town
  • Region
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Centre for Materials and Coastal Reseach

  • Town
  • Region
    Herzogtum Lauenburg
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

ATI Küste GmbH - Association for Technology und Innovation

  • Town
  • Region
    Landkreis Rostock
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Maritime University of Szczecin

  • Town
  • Region
    Miasto Szczecin
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

MDC (Maritime Development Center)

  • Town
  • Region
    Byen København
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Aalborg University

  • Town
    København S
  • Region
    Byen København
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

The St. Petersburg House Property Owners Association

  • Town
    St. Petersburg
  • Region
    City of St. Petersburg
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR