for applicants
Call info
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There is no open call for project applications at the moment. Sign up for the newsletter to receive first hand information when the gateway to EU funds opens again.
Assessment in progress
23 ideas for project platforms!
Let’s start the new capitalisation chapter, together! Labelled as Operations of Strategic Importance (OSI), our future project platforms will demonstrate how synergies across projects and funds can lead to a higher impact! The admissible check and assessment is ongoing.

Call for core project applications
21 core projects selected!
New projects, new partnerships and new ways to shape the future of our region! Fingers crossed for successful implementation!
Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Application process
Check the steps in the application process in our Programme.
Submit a Project Platform Idea Form
Share your project platform idea with us and request a consultation. Both elements are obligatory.
Request access to BAMOS+
Send an appointing document to tell us who should receive access to BAMOS+.
Develop your full application
Develop your full application in BAMOS+: prepare the work plan, responsibilities for partners and budgets.
Submit your application
Submit your application via BAMOS+.
Provide additional information
Upload partner declarations, contact information & bank information in BAMOS+.
Overview: project types in our Programme
Core projects
Core changes for the region

/ practical & durable outputs
/ solutions to challenges
/ focus on piloting
/ at the “core” of the Programme
at least three organisations
from three Programme area countries
Up to 36 months
no limitation (proportionate to activities)
Small projects
Small steps for a big change

easier access
/ building trust
/ keeping networks
/ staying closer to citizens
/ responding to unpredictable challenges
at least three organisations
from three Programme area countries
Up to 24 months
up to EUR 500,000
Overview: project types in our Programme
Project platforms
Capitalisation in action

/ create synergies among EU-funded projects
/ synthesise project solutions & results within a thematic field
/ transfer to target groups
at least three organisations
from three Programme area countries
Up to 36 months
up to EUR 1.2 million
Overview of calls in our Programme
In case you are interested in an overview of completed and planned calls for project applications, please take a look at the document below.
Managing Authority (MA)
Joint Secretariat (JS)
c/o Investitionsbank Schlwesig-Holstein (IB.SH)
Postal & visitor address:
Grubenstrasse 20
18055 Rostock, Germany
Tel: +49 381 45484 0
Fax: +49 381 45484 5282