Does your idea fit into our Programme?
Your funding checklist
Do you have at least three partners from three Programme area countries ready to work together?

Does your project platform idea fit into one of these Programme objectives?

Can your project bring a tangible change or a solution to a challenge?
There are two main types of projects in our Programme: core projects and small projects. In core projects (duration up to 36 months), you will prepare, pilot and transfer practical and durable solutions.
In small projects (duration up to 24 months), you will also develop practical and durable outputs. In addition, you will focus on facilitating cooperation initiatives, initiating and keeping networks; bringing the Programme closer to the citizens as well as responding to unpredictable and urgent challenges.

Can you secure your own financial contribution and pre-finance project activities?
Project partners have to provide their own contribution to receive Programme co-financing. EU partners can receive up to 80% co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund. Partners from Norway can receive up to 50% co-financing from the Norwegian national funding.

Is your organisation a legal entity listed below?

Is one of your partners ready to take the role of a lead partner?
The Programme is based on the lead partner principle. This means that one project partner has to act as the lead partner to represent the project and takes an overall responsibility for the development and implementation of the project.