Introduction (CCI4change in Latvia): About CCI4change project & the interaction between culture and sustainability

Date & Time08. April 2024
16:00 - 18:00 (EET) -
OrganiserNorthern Dimension Partnership on Culture
- Ziemeļvalstu Ministru padomes birojā, Marijas iela 13/3
- Rīga
- Latvia
- Marta Kontina
Creative and Cultural sector practitioner skill-building events in Jūrmala, Riga and online will provide opportunity to build skills and prepare for the upcoming “Switch on Kauguri” innovation open call worth 9900 EUR. Register here.
In the first workshop event held in Latvian on April 8th at the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Latvia Marijas street 13/3, Riga), you will have an opportunity to know more about “Switch on Kauguri!” innovation open call worth 9900 EUR. The call will open later this spring and provide the opportunity to implement a pilot in Kauguri, Jurmala.
The workshop introduces the project “CCI4Change”, and how arts, culture and creative professionals can work in synergy with the local muncipality to engage citizens for more sustainable energy consumption. What kind of role can the cultural professionals have, and what kind of pilot activities are expected to happen in Kauguri?
The event invites especially professionals and students in the field of arts, culture and creative industries in more wide. Also, anyone with the interest to the topic of art, culture and creative fields role in sustainability, are welcome to join. The seats are limited, and registration closes when the event is full.
16.00-16.20 About the aims of the CCI4Change project and the piloting opportunity in Kauguri, Jurmala
16.20-16.45 What are the expectations for the artistic and creative work in this pilot? Energy consumption reduction as a topic, and the role of citizen engagement in the context of the project
16.45-17.30 Small group discussions
17.30-18.00 Forthcoming open call for pilots, introduction to forthcoming events.
Please note, that all events need registration. The onsite events at the Nordic Council of Ministers have a limited attendance and the registration is open only until the event is full. The project events in Latvia are facilitated by the project’s lead partner NDPC – an intergovernmental organisation with secretariat located in Riga. The events are organised together with project partner Jurmala Municipality and facilitated by Marta Kontina (Story Hub).
The event is part of CCI4change project. Already later this spring CCI4change project will announce 3 innovation seed money open calls (in Finland, Sweden, and Latvia) . The calls invite CCI practitioners to propose creative ideas how they can engage the citizens to find new approaches to reduce energy consumption.
Now, to support the success of new collaboration models between the CCI and the local authorities, the project offers capacity building events to be held in parallel in all 3 locations and online. Read more here.
80% of “CCI4Change: Facilitation of Citizens Energy Consumption Behavioural Change in BS Cities and Municipalities” budget is Interreg BSR co-funded with the remaining 20% coming from the project partners.
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17:00 - 19:30 (EEST)
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