Facilitation of citizens energy consumption behavioral change in BS cities and municipalities

Cultivating change towards sustainability: Capacity building programmes for Creative and Cultural Industry Practitioners in Finland, Sweden, and Latvia

27 March 2024
Technical details

The NDPC led project  “CCI4Change: Facilitation of Citizens Energy Consumption Behavioural Change in BS Cities and Municipalities” is entering its next stage by launching Creative and Cultural Industry (CCI) capacity building programmes in Finland, Sweden and Latvia!

 In the CCI4Change project, public authorities (cities, municipalities and regions) and Culture and Creative Industry (CCI) practitioners and entrepreneurs work together to engage with citizens and encourage them to reduce energy consumption.

Already later this spring 3 innovation seed money open calls (in Finland, Sweden, and Latvia) will be announced. The calls invite CCI practitioners to propose creative ideas how they can engage the citizens to find new approaches to reduce energy consumption.

Now, to support the success of new collaboration models between the CCI and the local authorities, the project offers capacity building events to be held in parallel in all 3 locations and online. The purpose is to provide hands-on support for the culture and creative field practitioners with interest to develop their ideas and encourage to take part in the open call to follow. Also, anyone with interest to the topic of how culture and creative fields can collaborate with other sectors for sustainable solutions and build their skills on the matter, are welcome to enrol to the events.

Read more about the upcoming programmes in:

Out of the experience gained in the pilots, the project will develop a practical toolset tailored to support collaboration between creative professionals and local authorities. This toolset will provide tested methods, enriching strategies, and practical support for local authorities to work with the most complex societal challenges together with their local field of arts, culture and creative professionals. Read more about the project here.

 80% of “CCI4Change: Facilitation of Citizens Energy Consumption Behavioural Change in BS Cities and Municipalities” budget is Interreg BSR co-funded with the remaining 20% coming from the project partners.

 Project is implemented by Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture (lead partner, the Secretariat located in Latvia); Jurmala Local Government Administration (Latvia); the City of Kotka (Finland); Scania Region (Sweden); Cursor Oy: Kotka-Hamina Regional Development Company (Finland); Föreningen Stapelbädden/STPLN (Sweden) and South- Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Ltd (Xamk) (Finland).

Read more about the project: https://interreg-baltic.eu/project/cci4change