"Infotaiment" @Fan Zone Hamburg UEFA Euro 2024

Date & Time25. - 26. June 2024
16:00 - 21:00 (CEST) -
OrganiserGreenevents Hamburg, Umdenkbar eV and BEF Germany
- Community Spot @Fan Zone Area, Heiligengeistfeld
- 20359 Hamburg
- Germany
- Lena Hansen
- lena@greeneventshamburg.de
- Jonna Clasen
- info@bef-de.org
Greenevents Hamburg, Umdenkbar eV and BEF Germany were represented in the so-called "Vereinscontainer" ("Infotainment", a converted overseas container with tables, chairs and an information screen) in the Fan Zone in Hamburg on 25 and 26 June from 4 to 9 p.m., where they provided playful information on the subject of reusable packaging.
- Interactive use of the club container with "infotainment": Challenges and solutions to reusable systems will be discussed with visitors in a playful way;
- Networking & Visibility with T-shirt campaigning for reusable crockery.
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25 |
February |
13:00 - 13:45 (CET)