Cities and towns

about their experiences with
Interreg Baltic Sea Region

Cities and towns

about their experiences with
Interreg Baltic Sea Region

Cities and towns

about their experiences with
Interreg Baltic Sea Region

Cities and towns

about their experiences with
Interreg Baltic Sea Region

Cities and towns

about their experiences with
Interreg Baltic Sea Region

Cities and towns

about their experiences with
Interreg Baltic Sea Region

Cities and towns

about their experiences with
Interreg Baltic Sea Region

Cities and towns

about their experiences with
Interreg Baltic Sea Region

Driving the transition to a green and resilient region

Cities, towns and Interreg

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Cities and towns play a vital role in putting solutions developed by transnational projects into practice.

But what’s the real benefit?

From sharing best practices, building on each other’s knowledge to testing new solutions on the ground. Each Interreg project offers a unique chance for cities and towns to work together as if there were no borders. It can be for making the community more resilient, water-smart or climate-neutral. You can start with your own idea, or take over a solution that others have tried out already. This is how EU funding helps cities get greener and smarter. This is how EU funding helps improve the lives of citizens in the Baltic Sea region.

Learn from other cities and towns who are experienced in cooperation in our projects, and open yourself up for new funding opportunities.

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Best practices from the Baltic Sea region

A resilient future for coastal communities


In coastal regions around the Baltic Sea, the impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly evident, posing challenges for local communities, businesses, and authorities alike. The BEACH-SOS project aims to confront these challenges head-on, ensuring the sustainability and vitality of beach recreation and tourism in the face of a changing climate. Recently, we had the opportunity to sit down with Rimants Lulis from Saulkrasti Municipality, one of the partners of the project, to discover more about how this project can benefit the municipality and the community in Saulkrasti.

Transformative Tools for Remote Excellence


In an era where remote work has become a defining aspect of our professional lives, a dedicated group of experts is delving into the intricacies of this transformative shift. Leena Toivanen from Centria University of Applied Sciences tells us what they expect to accomplish thanks to EU funding and the Interreg Baltic Sea Region support.

Enhancing sustainable food consumption in the public sector through collaboration and innovation.


How can StratKIT+ project overcome barriers and create a healthier and more sustainable public food consumption in the BSR? Sara Seing from Södertälje Municipality tells us what they expect to accomplish thanks to EU funding and the Interreg Baltic Sea Region support.

The linkage between Chemicals, Climate and Circularity issues in green public procurement.


An awareness of climate change, hazardous substances and the need for a circular economy exists in the current policy environment, but all too often these three dimensions of sustainability are considered one by one. Agnė Petrošiūtė from Tauragė Municipality tells us what they expect to accomplish thanks to EU funding and the Interreg Baltic Sea Region support. 

Taking blue biomass into circular bio-economy.


Cathy Brown Stummann from Skive Kommune tells us what they expect to accomplish thanks to EU funding and the Interreg Baltic Sea Region support. 

How Baltic museums cope with crisis to console people in challenging times


The resilience of societies and institutions in the Baltic Sea region was significantly tested during the COVID pandemic and will face even a greater challenge at the time and after the war in Ukraine.  Patrick Rang  from Estonian War Museum General Laidoner Museum tells us what they expect to accomplish thanks to EU funding and the Interreg Baltic Sea Region support. 

Best practices from the Baltic Sea region

“We tested innovative green technologies that would not have been affordable otherwise”

Interview with Deputy Mayor of Gdansk
Thanks to Interreg, Gdansk advanced innovative solutions to green its transport system and introduced the first autonomous local bus line in Poland. Piotr Grzelak, Gdansk’s Deputy Mayor for Sustainable Development and Housing, explains what the city achieved by joining transnational projects funded by Interreg Baltic Sea Region.

Get inspired!

Piotr Grzelak, Deputy Mayor of the Polish city Gdansk, shows how our Programme supported his city in advancing smart ideas together with partners across the Baltic Sea.

“How Tartu innovated citizens’ life with Interreg”

Interview with Deputy Mayor Raimond Tamm
Joining the Interreg community isn’t just about receiving funding to transform your smart idea into reality, but also building long-term connections with key partners from all over our region. Raimond Tamm, Mayor of the Estonian city of Tartu, presents what his city achieved by taking part in transnational projects funded by Interreg Baltic Sea Region. Enjoy this journey in the Interreg world.

Get inspired!

Raimond Tamm, Mayor of the Estonian city of Tartu, lists practical advantages of using Interreg funding offered by the Programme.

“At the forefront of sustainability and innovations thanks to Interreg projects”

Interview with Mayor Anna Tenje

Anna Tenje has been the Mayor of Växjö Municipality (Sweden) since January 2017. Today, she shares her perspective on why joining transnational projects funded by Interreg Baltic Sea Region helped Växjö and its citizens to be the drivers of change in sustainability and innovation. Get inspired by her words and learn more about how #MadeWithInterreg solutions can benefit European citizens.

Get inspired!

Anna Tenje, Mayor of the Swedish Municipality of Växjö, shares her perspective on how the Programme helped Växjö and its citizens to be the drivers of change in sustainability and innovation.

“Working together is a cost-efficient way to develop and make improvements”

Interview with Mayor Minna Arve

Minna Arve, Mayor of the Finnish city of Turku, shares her views on what the city achieved by joining transnational projects funded by Interreg Baltic Sea Region. She explains how cooperating with partners from different European countries helped the city and its residents to move towards a healthier and greener future.

The Mayor of Kaunas City shares his views on what Interreg can do for citizens

Interview with Mayor Visvaldas Matijošaitis

Visvaldas Matijošaitis, Mayor of Kaunas City, answers a few questions on how Interreg Baltic Sea Region made a difference for Kaunas and its citizens.

There is knowledge and experience to be found in cooperation with our neighbouring countries

Interview with Mayor of Guldborgsund Municipality

Simon Hansen, Mayor of the Danish Guldborgsund Municipality, describes how taking part in transnational projects funded by Interreg Baltic Sea Region helped his city to make urban mobility greener and to advance urban social innovation ultimately improving the lives of its residents.

Get inspired!

Listen to what Simon Hansen, mayor of Guldborgsund Municipality, experienced by working across borders to bring forward sustainable & innovative solutions.

12 years of transnational cooperation to benefit citizens

Interview with vice-Chairman of Jelgava Local Municipality

Jelgava Local Municipality has been actively participating in transnational cooperation projects since 2009. Read what its Vice-Chairman, Ms. Ilze Vītola, has to say on transnational cooperation and its benefits.

Making citizens healthier through transnational cooperation

Interview with the Mayor of Flensburg

Simone Lange, Mayor of Flensburg, will guide us on what the city achieved by cooperating and sharing expertise with partners from across the Baltic Sea region.

Get inspired!

Listen to the Mayor of Flensburg’s message on joining Interreg Baltic Sea Region.