Interreg Baltic Sea Region


Tell your project story

Tell your project story

A project story is like a journey which takes a reader for a planning ride of main stops on the way towards the destination. It considers the purpose of the journey and companions to invite along.In all project stories by Interreg Baltic Sea Region, it is the...

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Interview: Better clean the water in your village

Interview: Better clean the water in your village

People in the countryside release too many nutrients to the environment through their waste water because it is often not purified effectively. This problem was overlooked for many years. The Interreg project Village waters set out to make proper cleaning of waste water common practice across the rural areas around the Baltic Sea. In this interview, the project managers explain why they started the project and what they achieved.

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Interreg in audio: First episode of podcast “This is Europe” takes you to a greener Europe

Interreg in audio: First episode of podcast “This is Europe” takes you to a greener Europe

As Interreg becomes 30, Interact has launched the production of an audio podcast this year. In fourty minutes you can travel across Europe, learn about great Interreg projects, and get to know other professionals who use Interreg to fulfil their missions. One of the projects presented is cities.multimodal in which people work towards greener mobility in cities – co-funded from our Programme.

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