Interreg Baltic Sea Region


Greener cruising across the Baltic Sea

Greener cruising across the Baltic Sea

Cruise shipping in the Baltic Sea region has grown enormously. In 2018, the number of cruise guests visiting destinations at the Baltic Sea was almost five times higher than in 2000 and the boom is expected to last at least. More passengers means more jobs and growth for the port locations and their hinterland.

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Screening Baltic Sea for pharmaceuticals

Screening Baltic Sea for pharmaceuticals

Although pharmaceuticals are useful and often lifesaving for people, they may contaminate the Baltic water and marine life, for example if inappropriately disposed. CWPharma, an Interreg Baltic Sea Region project, picks up this pressing challenge and screens active pharmaceutical ingredients to analyse the sources, emissions and environmental concentrations of pharmaceuticals in the Baltic Sea region.

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NonHaz office!?

NonHaz office!?

The NonHazCity project has compiled knowledge about hazardous substances in everyday life and about how to reduce their consumption. Campaigns were run among consumers, companies and municipal administrations in nine cities around the Baltic Sea: Pärnu, Turku, Gdansk, Riga, Hamburg, Västerås, Stockholm, Silale and Kaunas. One site visit even led the project to the office of the Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat of Interreg Baltic Sea Region.

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