Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Synergies in Energy Efficiency Projects
CAMS Platform
PROGRAMME 2014-2020
2 Natural resources
2.3 Energy efficiency

CAMS Platform

Local authorities and energy auditors learned how to provide higher quality, quicker, and more holistic energy audits harmonised across the Baltic Sea region based on the knowledge synthesised from a dozen of EU funded projects.
The opportunity

The negative impacts of climate change upon human and natural ecosystems can be minimised by substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. High energy consuming housing and production sectors still leave a major carbon footprint. The CAMS Platform improved energy efficiency measures by aligning research, recommendations, audits and investments from 11 projects across the Baltic Sea region.

Projects represented in the platform:


CAMS Platform
in numbers
  • 1.05
  • 0.75
  • 0.10
    Eni + Russia
  • 0.00


Towards harmonised climate and energy policies

The CAMS platform helped national ministries, regional and local public authorities plan and implement climate and energy policies in a more efficient way. It synthesised the findings of ten Interreg, Horizon2020 and EuropeAid projects.

Firstly, the platform provided municipalities, energy agencies and energy auditors with higher-quality, quicker, more holistic, and comprehensive energy auditing methodology that is harmonised across the Baltic Sea region. More than 400 energy professionals joined the national energy auditing days in Estonia, Latvia, Sweden, Poland and Russia to learn about energy efficiency, auditing and certification of the building energy performance. To test the auditing methodology, the partners elaborated 33 energy audits in five countries, 12 regions and 19 municipalities, distributed among four building types or NACE divisions (real estate, education, culture, social care). Out of these, 31 objects consumed 9 GWh/year, and their energy saving potential with chosen measures was 2,8 GWh, which corresponded to 30% of the total energy end-use for those audits. The greatest contributor to energy saving was the space heating measure and ventilation. The platform made these energy audits available to energy auditors around the Baltic Sea region. For example, the measures section provided the cross-region and cross-sectoral comparison and the range of cost efficiency.

New tools for energy efficient refurbishment

Secondly, the partners worked on strengthening the qualification programme for energy efficient refurbishment of multi-apartment buildings and integrating energy efficiency and climate change adaptation. The programme was introduced to higher education institutions in Estonia, Latvia, Sweden, Poland, Germany and Finland. The partners also used it for training local authorities on housing and urban regeneration.

Setting grounds for policies on energy efficiency and climate neutrality

Finally, the platform helped advance policy processes related to energy efficiency and climate neutrality. The partners developed policy recommendations on how to mainstream climate into new European Structural and Investment Funds programmes 2021-2027. The national EU funding programmes became more focused on accelerating the transition towards climate neutrality, for example, by improving energy efficiency via the reconstruction of buildings and district heating systems. These policy recommendations also contributed to the revision of the EU Climate Adaptation Strategy, adopted in 2021. The platform has helped include more active mainstreaming of climate resilience considerations in all relevant policy fields applicable to both the public and the private sectors.

The EUSBSR policy area Energy was actively engaged in the platform work, foremost on advancing the policy towards the unified data handling of energy performance audits and merging climate adaptation into energy efficiency projects.


Report: Accelerating the Pace of Energy Efficiency by Improved Energy Audit Data Handling

The report targets authorities responsible for energy efficiency and energy saving across the region It helps them improve the process for energy auditing in buildings by applying the “SPEEED” - methodology (Sector specific Process for Excellent Energy Efficiency Data handling). The methodology covers several themes such as stakeholder responsibility and value chain involvement, clustering target groups, establishing a golden standard for energy data, centralised databases for the end use and energy efficiency measures and a digital platform.

Database of energy audits

The CAMS Platform provides access to data to33 pilot energy audits of buildings and premises elaborated in the Baltic Sea region in 2020-2021. It serves as a reference source for policy makers, national ministries and regional councils, energy agencies and energy auditors, state and private real estate companies, civil engineers as well as academic and training institutions. It includes a collection of pilot cases which offers professional data and comparative evidence. Users can browse, filter and benchmark through audited sites, objects, nations, regions and municipalities as well by energy efficiency measures and NACE sectors/divisions. The database also enables to explore the energy balance from energy supply to the usage in the pilot sites.

Qualification programme on energy efficient refurbishment of apartment buildings in the BSR

The programme explains approaches to refurbishing a residential building with a focus on reducing the energy consumption of the building. It aims at professionals working in housing associations, planning departments or energy agencies. It includes ten modules that address different technical and less-technical aspects of the refurbishment process.

Policy recommendations for mainstreaming climate into ESIF 2021-2027

The policy recommendations guide managing authorities of national and regional EU funding programmes on how to achieve the agreed climate goal of carbon neutral EU by 2050, to close the investment gap in the path towards this goal and to mainstream climate into Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027 and use EU taxpayers’ money in an efficient way. They include i.a. the recommendation to scale up climate action and fund the just and zero-emissions transition, insist on “climate proofing”, integrate climate mitigation.

The guidelines focus on the renovation of multi-apartment buildings in the Baltic Sea region. They are useful for national, regional, and local authorities responsible for planning and implementing climate and energy policies, as well as the developers of energy efficiency and climate adaptation projects, aiming to achieve co-benefits and synergies between adaptation and mitigation measures. They provide advice on how to prepare renovation of buildings so as to obtain not only energy saving gains, but also higher resilience of the buildings to future climate change, as well as improving the cost-efficiency of the projects.

Project Stories


Tartu Regional Energy Agency

  • Town
  • Region
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

County Administrative Board of Dalarna

  • Town
  • Region
    Dalarnas län
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Permanent International Secretariat of the Council of the Baltic Sea States

  • Town
  • Region
    Stockholms län
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Ministry of Economics

  • Town
  • Region
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Foundation of Energy Saving in Gdansk

  • Town
  • Region
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia

  • Town
  • Region
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Baltic Environmental Forum Germany

  • Town
  • Region
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre

  • Town
  • Region
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University

  • Town
    St. Petersburg
  • Region
    City of St. Petersburg
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR