27 May 2024

Your Vote, Our Future, Our Region

Written by Anna Zaccaro & Susie Hacquin

Your vote holds the key to a sustainable future for the Baltic Sea and its communities. In the dynamic land of EU initiatives, your participation drives impactful change. Dive with us in the landscape of EU’s achievements and discover what your vote can do for your region.


Voting in the European Parliamentary elections is a powerful tool for you to influence the future of your region. By electing representatives who support environmental and regional development initiatives, voters can ensure continued funding and support for critical projects like those in the Baltic Sea. These projects have tangible benefits, from improved marine safety to economic growth through cleaner, safer waters. Each vote contributes to the broader goal of sustainable development and regional cooperation. By participating in these elections, you can make a direct impact, highlighting the significant power of democratic .

Examples from our region: what a strong EU does for you

You may be wondering, what does Interreg Baltic Sea Region have to do with the European Elections? Interreg programmes are  funded by the European Regional Development Fund, programmes that are part of the European Cohesion policy, which support a balanced development of all  regions in Europe. Interreg is a key instrument that strengthens cooperation between regions and countries within the EU. It plays a vital role in promoting regional development, cohesion, and reducing economic disparities. Voting for MEPs who favour these European regional development policies and see the benefits of transnational cooperation ensures the continuation  of Interreg programmes and thei projects. At Interreg Baltic Sea Region, we set up frameworks to support and improve transnational cooperation among the Baltic Sea Region countries. We don’t build roads or bridges, but we bridge the gaps in knowledge, technologies, and governance.

Interreg Baltic Sea Region supports projects in different fields that are crucial to the sustainable development and prosperity of the region. Projects such as BALTIPLAST and Change (k)now! focus on the vital role of public authorities in reducing plastic waste through innovative policies and solutions. On the humanitarian front, BSI_4 Women aids refugee women in entering the labour market, while KidsLikeUs supports children in overcoming traumatic experiences. Concerning sustainability and food supply, KISMET and the BSR Food Coalition work towards creating favourable conditions for both producers and consumers to choose sustainable food options. Additionally, water-related projects such as Trust ALUM, Waterman, and APRIORA ensure clean water access, promote water conservation, and implement sustainable water management practices, further reinforcing the commitment to environmental sustainability and community well-being.

There are many more examples of the concrete achievements of the EU for its citizens. You can visit their dedicated website here to see the wide range of EU actions in your daily life and in your region: https://what-europe-does-for-me.europarl.europa.eu/


©EU Commission



What you vote for

You are already convinced that you want to vote, but you don’t know exactly what for you will vote? The European elections aim at electing the 720 Members of Parliament. The number of representatives each country votes for is calculated on the population, with a minimum of 5 MEPs and a maximum of 96 MEPs. For the countries around the Baltic Sea Region, this number will be 9 in Denmark, 9 in Estonia, 15 in Finland, 96 in Germany, 9 in Latvia, 11 in Lithuania, 53 in Poland, and 21 in Sweden. You can get more information about the elections in your country here. 



Engage and Vote

It is essential for citizens to engage in the European Parliamentary elections to ensure the continued success of projects like those funded by Interreg in the Baltic Sea region. By voting, you  can influence policies that prioritize environmental protection, economic development, and regional cooperation. The tangible outcomes of these projects, demonstrate the direct impact of EU initiatives on local communities. For the last two European elections, the turnout rate in the Baltic Sea region countries were in average 42% in 2014 and 49% in 2019. This year, don’t let people decide at your place and come to cast your vote because every vote counts in shaping a sustainable future.

Let’s maintain our democracies and influence the future of our region from June 6 to June 9!

More about the projects


Baltic Approaches to Handling Plastic Pollution under a Circular Economy Context
The project BALTIPLAST brings technological solutions to help public authorities reduce plastic waste and trigger investments in sustainable sorting and recycling.
Read more about the project


KISMET – sustainable food environments
The project KISMET helps public authorities create favourable conditions for food producers and consumers to choose sustainable food options.
Read more about the project


Promoting water reuse in the Baltic Sea Region through capacity building at local level
In the project WaterMan, public authorities and water companies model strategies to reuse water and recirculate retained water, e.g. for industry and agriculture.
Read more about the project

BSR Food Coalition

Baltic Municipality’s Food Coalition
The project BSR Food Coalition connects local farmers and public authorities to ensure regular access to organic food meals at schools, and thus a continuous demand for healthy food supply.
Read more about the project


Building trust in target groups for ALUM treatment - an effective, yet misunderstood method for water quality improvement
The project TRUST ALUM helps public authorities in the Baltic countries make better use of ALUM water treatment and improve water quality in lakes.
Read more about the project


Empowering NGOs & public institutions in helping children overcome migration traumas using creativity and favors of nature
In the project KidsLikeUs, educators, public authorities and NGOs explore how contact with nature and appeal to all senses can improve mental well-being of children with traumatic experiences.
Read more about the project


Change(K)now! – A mindset change from single-use to circular or multiple-use of food delivery systems in cities of the BSR
The Change(K)now! project helps municipalities reduce single-use food packaging in food delivery and catering systems, and build social acceptance among companies and people for circular reuse of food packaging.
Read more about the project