Distance LAB
Distance LAB
DistanceLab creates tools to improve the stakeholders' resilience and adaptability by improving their skills in remote activities. The developed tools and methods are divided into 3 categories: communication and innovation, sustainability and remote business strategy. These services and expertise is brought together in a hub.
DistanceLab improves your ability to do remote work and provide remote services
DistanceLAB aims to support organizations in taking the full advantage of remote business environments in all aspects of their business; communication and innovation, sustainability and business strategy. The previous years have shown the importance of resilience and adaptability and DistanceLAB highlights the importance of being able to work and network over any types of borders.
Remote work presents the people with plenty of positive aspects; work-life balance is improved, efficiency is increased and the best staff can be found even from afar. At the same time, communication can be lacking and sense of belonging decrease. Remote workers are responsible for their time management and even cyber security. DistanceLAB provides practical tools for companies, both teams and management, to improve remote practices and take advantage of the opportunities it provides.
DistanceLAB tools are all available for testing! All pilots have reached the target group members and got feedback from them, and we welcome more people to test and review the tools! The tools have gone through testing in real work places and the reception has been positive. Much of the feedback so far has been about the usability of the tools, but there have also been some tips on the content and the logics of the tools. The tools are developed in multidisciplinary teams and in cooperation with work communities across the Baltic Sea Region. The tools help to realize the different aspects of an organization affected by hybrid teams. We believe going remote can benefit all parts of business!
During the project, the use of AI has become mainstream. DistanceLAB holds AI-meetings where we discuss the opportunities of AI for the project and to work life in general. If you have experiences on AI in work place, please share them with us!
The project has been presented locally in different events and meetings and also in national and EU-wide events. We are happy to come and speak, host or create a workshop in events and meetings across the Baltic Sea region. The progress and events are communicated in the project website and in Facebook and LinkedIn accounts. Remember to follow us! Also, the partners have published and shared articles and posts about the project in their own channels and sent info letters for the associated partners. There has been online and hybrid events organised by the project where the target group, associated partners and the steering group have been invited.
Next year we will open the DistanceLAB online hub. We realize that remote business opportunities are ever growing and invite also others with tools, tips and services to share their experience in the hub! Interreg Baltic Sea Region has been integral in bringing together the experts of work life transformation and in reaching out to work communities with different skill and equipment but similar challenge in wanting to make the most out of remote work. We believe the tools bring the users closer together and lower the barriers of collaboration within the organizations and beyond.
in numbers.
Latest in DistanceLAB
All partners have been actively preparing and participating on pilot preparations. The pilots are presented on this site. Each group of activities (=pilot service topic) produced a deliverable that includes the process of developing the tool, the best practices that stood out in the developing process, a pilot plan, aims, objectives and initial materials. All deliverables will also be published in the project website.
During 2023 we gave a speech and participated in organising a webinar "Increasing Cybersecurity and empowerment in the digital environment in Europe". Also DistanceLAB project manager gave a speech in the European Week of Regions and Cities –event in Brussels.
In November we organised a webinar for whole target group in all countries, and it was continued with local live/online discussions after the speakers. This concept will be repeated later on during the project. Also we have organised meetings for associated partners in all countries.
There is about to be a partner change in Sweden from Skellefteå Science City to IUC Norr. Our hub & living lab –activities are starting from 2024. Testing of all pilots is starting soon (full-scale in 3 countries, small scale in 1-2). There are different types of pilots: workshops, online testing, 1on1 tests.
Distance LAB
in numbers.
Our solutions
- 63.83366125000000623.162068173802083
- 61.005488525.6641573
- 62.73772397.1590265
- 56.949397724.1051846
- 54.898213923.9044817
- 50.13865221.9678841
- 54.751583925.264914472276228
- 57.390391821.5635991
- 65.583473822.1439984
Project partners
- TownKokkola
- Region
- CountryFinland
- RegionKeski-Pohjanmaa
- RepresentativeCentria University of Applied Sciences
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownLahti
- Region
- CountryFinland
- RegionPäijät-Häme
- RepresentativeLAB University of Applied Sciences
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownMolde
- Region
- CountryNorway
- RegionMøre og Romsdal
- RepresentativeMore and Romsdal County Council
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownRiga
- Region
- CountryLatvia
- RegionRīga
- RepresentativeUniversity of Latvia
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownKaunas
- Region
- CountryLithuania
- RegionKauno apskritis
- RepresentativeKaunas Science and Technology Park
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownRzeszow
- Region
- CountryPoland
- RegionRzeszowski
- RepresentativeRzeszow Regional Development Agency
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownVilnius
- Region
- CountryLithuania
- RegionVilniaus apskritis
- RepresentativePublic Institution Lithuanian Innovation Centre
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownVentspils
- Region
- CountryLatvia
- RegionKurzeme
- RepresentativeFoundation Ventspils High Technology park
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownLuleå
- Region
- CountrySweden
- RegionNorrbottens län
- RepresentativeIUC Norr
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
Associated organisations
Project manager, Communication managerLeena ToivanenCentria University of Applied Sciences
Financial managerJohanna SalmiCentria University of Applied Sciences
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