APRIORA tackles the need for a risk-based prioritisation of quaternary treatment at wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) to mitigate emission of micro-pollutants with focus on active pharmaceutical ingredients (API). Since WWTPs are the main emission pathway to the environment, the new proposal for Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (UWWTD) demands a mandatory quaternary treatment to be implemented in all WWTP > 100.000 PE until 2030 and a risk-based prioritisation of advanced treatment for WWTP between 10.000-100.000 PE. Accordingly, regional environmental protection authorities (EPAs) in charge will have to prioritize risks and propose cost-effective mitigation measures for future investments in cooperation with WWTP operators. However, both target groups lack sufficient information, capacities and tools to do so: API emissions from WWTPs are not measured, concentrations in surface waters are only available on few selected monitoring sites; no consistent tools for the demanded risk assessment (RA) or à priori effect assessment of potential mitigation measures exist. APRIORA addresses these deficits by providing a RA capacity program (1) combining effective monitoring, modelling and multi-criterial RA, an (2) open-source GIS environment, and (3) a capacity building programme to apply (1) + (2) in everyday working practices. Along with BSR-wide transfer + training activities, APRIORA contributes to an efficient strategic water management that improves the state of BSR waters.
in numbers.
in numbers.
- 54.069059338728512.081099790763664
- 60.167488124.9427473
- 62.787395622.838819
- 62.8241170527.593200574793077
- 52.517036513.3888599
- 56.9909341524.084764650000004
- 56.9360594524.15668273290571
- 54.348290718.6540233
- 56.029377814.1566859
Project partners
- TownRostock
- Region
- CountryGermany
- RegionRostock, Kreisfreie Stadt
- RepresentativeUniversity of Rostock
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- TownHelsinki
- Region
- CountryFinland
- RegionHelsinki-Uusimaa
- RepresentativeFinnish environment institute
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- TownSeinäjoki
- Region
- CountryFinland
- RegionEtelä-Pohjanmaa
- RepresentativeCentre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment in South Ostrobothnia
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownKuopio
- Region
- CountryFinland
- RegionPohjois-Savo
- RepresentativeFinnish Medicines Agency Fimea
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownBerlin
- Region
- CountryGermany
- RegionBerlin
- RepresentativeGerman Environment Agency
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- TownRiga
- Region
- CountryLatvia
- RegionRīga
- RepresentativeLatvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology
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- TownRiga
- Region
- CountryLatvia
- RegionRīga
- RepresentativeLatvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre
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- TownGdansk
- Region
- CountryPoland
- RegionGdański
- RepresentativeGdansk University of Technology
- Phone
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- Web
- TownKristianstad
- Region
- CountrySweden
- RegionSkåne län
- RepresentativeKristianstad University
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
Project managerJens TräncknerUniversity of Rostock
Project manager, Communication managerAlena SeidenfadenUniversity of Rostock
Financial managerAngelo GillesREM Consult
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