We make transition! meeting with partners and change agents in Gdynia
26 February 2024
Joint vision and recommendations
We make transition! partners have selected sustainability change agents from Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Germany and Norway to co-create a joint sustainability vision and recommendations. The change agents have participated in online workshops and on 14-15 Feb. 2024 they and project partners met in Gdynia, Poland.
The meeting included working in small groups with tasks such as:
– imagine a life of a person in the future that is sustainable
– what the local authorities should do in order to reach a future where civil society actors are more empowered to enhance ecological and social sustainability?
The results of group works are used to elaborate the “joint vision of sustainable life in the Baltic Sea region and recommendations” to be published later in spring.
Local transition arena processes and power of visioning
The meeting was also a lot about exchanging experiences. Participants worked on planning their local transition arena workshop processes that will be implemented in 12 cities and municipalities during this year. Each process focuses on carefully selected sustainability topic, like circular food, sharing and circular economy solutions, agriculture and organic food etc.
We also heard a great presentation by Zeynep Falay von Flittner from Falay Transition Design, Finland. Zeynep talked about the power of imagination. Her key messages were:
- The future is not predetermined and cannot be ‘known‘ or ‘predicted’.
- There is a range of alternative futures. Future outcomes can be influenced by human choices.
- Ideas and images of the future shape our actions and decisions in the present.
- Our values shape our visions of preferred futures.
- Humanity does not make choices as a whole, nor are we motivated by the same values, aspirations and projects.
Zeynep’s presentation can be downloaded from here.
Visit to Przystan Widna (community centre in the Widna district)
We also visited one of the eight community centres of the City of Gdynia. Przystan Widna is a place where any inhabitant can meet neighbors, organize activities and training. There are also activities for families and children, a library and a kitchen that can be used by groups of people.