State of play in Latvia's alternative fuels infrastructure and decarbonization of transport sector
07 March 2024
Aivars Starikovs, H2LV focused his presentation on findings from piloting the first hydrogen refuelling station in Riga (H2Nodes) and plans of Riga Airport (BSR HyAirport).
Kaspars Liepiņš, H2Latvia presented insights from recent surveys on public attitudes and research programmes in Latvia towards hydrogen as well as Latvian contribution to BalticSeaH2, an an innovative initiative supported by the CleanHydrogenPartnership.
It got obvious, that the general opinion of Latvians is very positive towards alternative energy sources in general and hydrogen in particular.
A major goal of Latvia is to become independent from fossile energy and to become a producer and exporter of hydrogen using Latvia’s potential to produce renewable energy. When it comes to hydrogen refuelling station (HRS) network, the major challenge is the price-sensitivity of hauliers and the currently high costs for purchasing FCEV heavy duty vehicles. To fulfill AFIR requirements, the first HRS in Riga can easily get adopted to serve heavy duty vehicles. Further use of hydrogen is currently tested, i.e. for the Riga airport utility vehicles.
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HyTruck hosts monthly occurring transnational meetings for all parties interested in topics related to hydrogen refueling stations. The events are called “Breakfast Briefings” and they are arranged on the first Wednesday of each month, from 09:00 to 10:00 CET. The platform for the meetings is Microsoft Teams and an invitation with the updated agenda will be sent one week prior each event.
The Breakfast Briefing is an excellent opportunity to hear the latest news and development steps on the HRS network designed and built in the Baltic Sea region.
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