Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Latest News
Enhancing Mental Health: Fostering Well-Being in the Baltic Sea Region
Can the mental well-being of individuals be positively affected by the power of art ? Arts on Prescription´s partners believe so. Step into the challenges public authorities face and the innovative solutions offered by this project thanks to Marta Ciesielska, project partner from the Marshal’s Office of the Westpomeranian Region.
More projects help implement the EUSBSR action plan!
The small and core projects selected for funding last year are now under contract and have started their activities bringing a positive change in our region. These projects are instrumental in achieving the ambitious objectives of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR).
How Interreg kicked off green transport corridors
The regions worked together to bring the regional perspective to the development of the EU transport corridors. Through transnational cooperation, they created long-lasting connections to roll out green transport solutions. We take a look back at 25 years of Interreg Baltic Sea Region cooperation in the field of green transport.
New learnings and connections at Lead Partner Seminar
A collaborative spirit and enthusiasm to deliver solutions to the shared challenges in the Baltic Sea region marked the recent Lead Partner seminar in Berlin.
How Interreg pushed maritime spatial planning
The countries around the Baltic Sea have been working together in order to plan the use of the Sea space and its resources in a sustainable way. Through transnational cooperation, they have made the most out of their capacities and skills to make the Baltic Sea region an area of excellence in maritime spatial planning. We take a look back at 25 years of Interreg Baltic Sea Region cooperation in this field.
Becoming energy-efficient with Interreg
Interreg transnational cooperation has incubated the transition to the energy-efficient and green Baltic Sea region. Cities and regions have worked together to address energy efficiency in a long-term perspective. They have developed common approaches and tested new solutions to become energy efficient. We reflect on 25 years of Interreg Baltic Sea Region cooperation for better energy efficiency.
Achievements that inspire: project visits in Riga
Cooperation projects bring together people and organisations across borders, paving the way for joint endeavours that drive real change. Recently, our project partners in Riga showcased their achievements and future plans for development, all aimed at making the region greener and more inclusive. The Riga project visits left us feeling inspired and convinced that such projects slowly but steadily improve the lives of residents in our region.​
Interreg Baltic Sea Region at the EUSBSR Annual Forum 2023
Cooperating across the borders is the only way forward. At the Interreg Baltic Sea Region session projects showed the added value of cooperation and the participants agreed on the need to continue this work.
Call for projects tackling dumped munition closed.
On 5 October, the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme closed the focused call for core project applications on how authorities can better handle hazardous submerged objects and dumped munitions in the Baltic Sea.
Join our team!
We are currently looking for a Communication Assistant at the Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat (MA/JS) of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme. Join a transnational team of people who believe in European cooperation and in working beyond borders for the benefit of the Baltic Sea region.
Small steps for a big change! Work in progress
How to implement a project in a successful manner? Lead partners of Interreg Baltic Sea Region small projects selected in the second call for applications met in Rostock on 20-21 September 2023 to find out.
Transformative Tools for Remote Excellence
In an era where remote work has become a defining aspect of our professional lives, a dedicated group of experts is delving into the intricacies of this transformative shift. Leena Toivanen from Centria University of Applied Sciences tells us what they expect to accomplish thanks to EU funding and the Interreg Baltic Sea Region support.