21 November 2023
New learnings and connections at Lead Partner Seminar
Written by Viktoria Nilsson
Paving the way ahead
On 15-16 November in Berlin, the team of Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat (MA/JS) had the pleasure to welcome lead partners of core projects in the second call to a Lead Partner seminar. The projects are about to kick off their activities that will cover a three-year implementation period. Therefore, the information that the projects received at the seminar was timely to secure a good start. The MA/JS team provided useful hints and tips on how to make a way ahead less bumpy, where to find all needed information and get support, how to better engage with the extended Interreg community and reach out to the target groups.
Commonalities and differences
In addition, the seminar served as a platform for learning about other projects, exchanging shared concerns and practicalities, and meeting the MA/JS team. Through a series of interactions, the lead partners had a chance to get familiar with each other and jointly reflect on questions. Thus, to the question of what connects projects, the participants discovered that all of them share the ambition to work on solutions to make people´s lives better, healthier, safer, and more sustainable. The lead partners discussed commonalities, e.g. the shared passion for beautiful nature in the region, or willingness to secure a cleaner Baltic Sea, and their projects´ different approaches to finding solutions. The participants proved to be a dedicated group of enthusiasts about the Baltic Sea region cooperation with an open approach to learn from each other and strive for synergies.
Learning about the extended Interreg community
At the seminar, the lead partners had a chance to get familiar with policy area coordinators of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Coordinators for policy areas safe, ship and hazards provided knowledge and tips on how cooperation on both policy and operational levels might be developed. They gave concrete examples of what projects can do to stay connected, how they can use policy area coordinators´ structures and networks and what kind of support is available. A lot of enthusiasm and willingness to get projects started marked the meeting. We enjoyed interactions with the projects and were happy to observe the collaborative spirit among the participants.
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