Interreg Baltic Sea Region
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17 great Interreg Projects from the Baltic Sea region selected to continue
Many people with smart ideas have been investing their work into transnational solutions which improve the life of all citizen around the Baltic Sea...
More Seed Money projects approved to implement the EUSBSR
EUR 1.5 million EU funding were allocated to implementing the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region during an online meeting of the Monitoring...
New episode of podcast “This is Europe”: All about neighbours
‘Isolation’ may be the word of 2020, but Europe remains defined by its spirit of community. The second edition of 'This is Europe' podcast focuses...
Interreg helps good ideas grow: statistics of the second seed money call
As many as 50 applications have been submitted in the second seed money call, covering a wide range of ideas for projects that could contribute to...
How transnational cooperation helps strengthen health care systems in the Baltic Sea region
Cooperation in health care proves to be an elementary need and an expression of mutual assistance in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Interreg Baltic...
More funds for a stronger impact: 26 applications submitted
As many as 26 projects that are due to end this year have applied for an extension stage in order to implement additional activities that will...
Joint Programming Committee for 2021-2027 gets started
On 5-6 February 2020 the Joint Programming Committee of Interreg Baltic Sea Region for the funding period 2021 to 2027 had its first meeting in Riga...
Developing the future programme in line with the EUSBSR
To align the Interreg Baltic Sea Region funding Programme with the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) is one important asset for the...
Time to visit the project library: project outputs available
You can now browse more than 40 outputs from Interreg projects that finished in 2019 in the project library of Interreg Baltic Sea Region. Get an...
Core Programme documents updated
The updated versions of the Programme Manual and the Programme Manual for coordination of macro-regional cooperation are now available. ©...
Interview: Insight into shaping the new Programme
Developing a new cooperation programme like Interreg Baltic Sea Region is a multilayered process of defining needs, opportunities and smartest ways...
Programming of the future Interreg Baltic Sea Region kicks off
Along with the European Commission’s publication of the Orientation Paper for the future Interreg Baltic Sea Region, the programming process is...