Interreg Baltic Sea Region
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Funding for years 2021–2027 under four priorities!
The Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2021-2027 will offer funding under four priorities: Innovative Societies, Water-Smart Societies,...
A word from the Commission: Keep up the good work!
Pekka Jounila has just finished his assignment as a contact person for Interreg Baltic Sea Region at the European Commission. How does he reflect on...
State of institutional capacity in the Baltic Sea region in 2020
Interreg Baltic Sea Region is currently planning the next seven-year programme and considering everything from thematic focus to simplifying...
A storymap #MadeWithInterreg
2020 has seen a striking rise in digital communication, as physical meetings became impossible in international contexts such as Interreg...
Countries agree on amendments to the thematic framework for the future Programme
Members of the Joint Programming Committee Task Force have agreed on the revised topics that will drive transnational cooperation in the Baltic Sea...
Next steps taken to develop the future Programme
More than 40 representatives of the EU Member States, neighbouring partner countries, European Commission and the Managing Authority/Joint...
Shape the Programme: public consultation is open
Are you interested in the thematic coverage of projects funded by the future Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme? Do you consider to apply for...
Thematic framework for the future Programme approved!
Delegates from eight EU Member States and three neighbouring partner countries around the Baltic Sea agreed on the thematic framework for the future...
17 great Interreg Projects from the Baltic Sea region selected to continue
Many people with smart ideas have been investing their work into transnational solutions which improve the life of all citizen around the Baltic Sea...
More Seed Money projects approved to implement the EUSBSR
EUR 1.5 million EU funding were allocated to implementing the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region during an online meeting of the Monitoring...
New episode of podcast “This is Europe”: All about neighbours
‘Isolation’ may be the word of 2020, but Europe remains defined by its spirit of community. The second edition of 'This is Europe' podcast focuses...
Interreg helps good ideas grow: statistics of the second seed money call
As many as 50 applications have been submitted in the second seed money call, covering a wide range of ideas for projects that could contribute to...