Partner meeting and study visit in Trondheim, Norway
Date13. - 14. November 2024
OrganiserTrondheim County Council
- Trondheim
- Norway
- Johanna Leino
We make transition! partner meeting will be organised in Trondheim in November 2024. Several WMT! change agents and associated organisations will also take part in the meeting. The aim of the meeting is to exchange experiences on the piloted transition arena processes that are implemented in 12 locations during 2024. The meeting includes also thematic discussions.
Also a study visit to "Svartlamon" will be organised. Svartlamon is a unique urban district in Trondheim focused on ecological practices, social equity, and a vibrant creative culture. Svartlamon serves as a model for community-led initiatives that promote alternative and sustainable ways of living. Read more from our case studies!
13 November 9-17
8.45-9.15 Registration
9.15-9.30 Welcome to Trondheim
9.30-10.00 Overview on project and key issues related to evaluation, communication and dissemination of arena stories, publications, manual (Johanna and DD Foundation)
10.00-10.30 Networking
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break and networking
11.00-12.15 WMT! change agents present results and experiences from local transition arenas
12.15-13.30 LUNCH
13.30-14.45 (-15.00) Division in small groups divided in these topics: 1) circular and sharing economy, 2) agriculture and food, 3) sustainable lifestyle and biodiversity
The groups will get few questions to discuss mainly related to the experiences, added value, learnings and utilization& dissemination results of arenas
14.30-15.15 Coffee break with an opportunity to continue discussion in small group
15.15-16.30 Change agents present results and experiences from local transition arenas, relevant partners support
16.30--- What will happen next and programme of next day
14 November 9-14
9-10.45 Study visit to Svartlamon: presentation of the Svartlamon story (city representative & civil society representative: interesting story of a “radical” civil society movement that developed as an valuable expert and partner cooperating closely with the city), discussion
10.45-12 Walking around the area
12.30-14 LUNCH at Lamomat
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