Co-Creation Workshop: Business Model Co-creation / Ideation for Digital Circular Economy in GlassFiber Large Scale Manufacturing

Date & Time01. March 2024
10:00 - 12:00 (CET) -
OrganiserAarhus University, CircThread, Clean Cluster, and TechCircle
WHAT: The workshop will address issues of creating new business models for recycling and recovery of glass fibers (GF). It will consist of inspirational presentations from industry and public sector experts showing success stories of ecosystems recycling/reuse, LCA of glass fibers followed by a co-creation activity and discussions with the participants.
HOW: The presentations/discussions will inspire to co-create new business models for GF reside by products from the point of sustainability and circular economy towards achieving net-zero. During the workshop participates will have possibility to describe their needs in terms of new business for recycling/recovery of GF and have opportunity for networking with experts.
WHO: Everyone who is concerned about the increasing amount of waste from manufacturing of glass fibers can, and should, attend. However, industries producing GF and composites will benefit the most.
WHEN: Online session starts at 10:00 CET on 1 March 2024.
WHERE: The Workshop will take place at AU campus Navitas, Inge Lehmanns Gade 10, 8000 Aarhus C and DOKK1, Hack Kampmanns Plads 2, 8000 Aarhus C). The workshop is organized as parallel session within Circular Economy for Enterprises event organized by Aarhus University, CircThread, Clean Cluster, and TechCircle.
FORMAT: The GlassCircle project partners (organizers of the parallel session workshop) will be on-site. This is a hybrid event, so it is possible to attend on-site or on-line.
The workshop flyer can be found here, and the final program you can see here.
For a look back at the event click here.
Presentations are available here.
- TimeItem
- 10:00 - 11:45 (CET)
- 10:00 – Opening of Day Project CircleGlass, Michail J. Beliatis (AU-BTECH)
- 10:10 – Inspirational case: The ecosystem of the glass fiber industry and tools for promoting the transition to a circular economy, Līga Bieziņa (Valmiera municipality)
- 10:25 – Kuusakoski Recycling – Circular economy solution for wind blades, Anu Söderena (Kuusakoski Oy)
- 10:35 – Project EPICENTER Industry LCA cases for young professionals, Laura Vītola (RTU)
- 10:40 – Inspirational case: Glassfiber cutting machines for recycling, Pavel Chvojka (Advantis)
- 10:50 – EoLO-HUBs: Circular Business Models and knowledge sharing regarding wind turbine blades Nina Vielen-Kallio (echt)
- 11:00 – Project DigiGlass Inspiration business case, digital systems for GF sorting challenge, Michail J. Beliatis (AU-DIGIT)
- 11:10 – Co-Creation / Ideation & Discussion panel, moderated by Justina & Michail (AU)
- 11:30 – Concluding remarks & feedback
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