Let’s design a sustainable business model
12 April 2024
“Companies’ responsibility work should become more visible. It’s good to talk about it.”
(Development manager in marketing company)
Design for Sustainability toolsets support SMEs and diverse organizations in assessing the sustainability aspects of their business model comprehensively and discussing the priorities and planning actions. The first testers have given valuable feedback. We provide tailored reflection workshops for experts working in remote services in SMEs and interested in creating testing or operationalizing sustainability strategies.
The requirements for sustainability are growing – due to many reasons, for example new corporate social responsibility reporting responsibilities that indirectly influence also small companies. All companies should have a sustainability strategy. Companies can gain a competitive advantage if they design businesses for sustainability. We have two tools, an assessment tool encourages checking areas and choosing priorities, and a canvas encourages creative planning.
For more information, contact: heidi.myyrylainen@lab.fi from LAB University of Applied Sciences or click on the link below.