4 October 2024

From shaping the applications to shaping the region’s future!

Written by Anna Gałyga

Almost 50 dedicated applicants met in Riga, Latvia, on 26 September, to dive deep into the nature of project platforms, the Programme’s main capitalisation instrument, and finetune their applications. ​


The Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme has recently offered fresh EU funds in a new call for applications for project platforms. This time, the focus is placed on consolidating project outcomes to boost knowledge transfer efficiently and drive policy change in the region. In practice, project platforms bring together results from projects from Interreg Baltic Sea Region and other funding programmes, and work on a shared topic – together.

Making sure that project platforms exert the impact they aspire for is what has brought everyone to Riga for a joint development workshop.

Plan your superpower to be the best!

It all started with a golden envelope, hiding the most precious ideas that applicants brought with them. Their project platform visions naturally emerge from the needs of the region, accompanied by an idea of change they want to introduce. But how to bring this vision into practice? Who are the key players to be involved in the process? The workshop helped the applicants understand how to identify their desired target groups and invite the right partners to the platform. The role of pan-Baltic organisations and EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region should not be underestimated in this context. Equally important was to discuss the clear outcomes of project platforms in order to shape an efficient – and realistic – work plan. The applicants also learned how to align their work in a project platform with a sound financial plan.

More is more: we go strategic

Project platforms will play an important role within the Programme’s portfolio. By triggering cooperation across projects and funds, all future project platforms will become Operations of Strategic Importance (OSI). Higher expectations will go hand in hand with a push for stronger communication and higher visibility, bigger support from the Programme, and increased interest from the European Commission side. Blagoveska Riiser, the Programme’s desk officer at the European Commission in Brussels, explained in detail how the Commission will keep an eye on OSIs and what additional benefits the project platform owners can expect.


(click on the picture to open the photo gallery)
Follow your heart, Interreg will keep up!

Even though the applicants received lots of practical information on how to construct a project platform, answers to multiple questions, and an opportunity to network and take part in thought-provoking exercises, they thankfully never lost track of their golden visions.

And these visions were diverse, inspiring, and hopeful, providing space for attractive and innovative cities, in which people feel good, included, and well taken care of – across generations. Visions of healthy people with access to sustainable food systems. Visions taking our region closer to climate neutrality, a tox-free and pollution-free environment, and clean waters. Visions of the strong, green and resilient region that is developing in a harmonised manner. Visions of the region that is attractive to businesses, tourists, and inspiring others. Visions of happy people who work together as if there were no borders with joy.

This is what Interreg is. This is what Interreg does transnationally.

Gateway for EU funds still open

Inspired by our applicants’ visions? If you have a bright idea for a project platform but missed the development workshop in Riga, there is still a place for you: we are waiting for project platform ideas until 21 October. After receiving an individual consultation, all applicants will have time to prepare a fully-fledged application until 9 December. More information you can find here.

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