28 April 2022

98 proposals for a greener and resilient region!


Written by Anna Gałyga

The first call of the new Programme 2021-2027 closes with a high number of 98 applications for core projects! Almost a thousand project partners are ready to work across borders to transform the Baltic Sea region into a greener and more resilient place for all of us.

 ‘Yes’ to all seven topics!

In the first call for applications for core projects, applicants had smart ideas on solutions to change the region in all Programme topics. The applicants submitted 98 applications that cover all seven Programme objectives. The highest interest attracted the objectives of Resilient economies and communities (Priority: Innovative societies) and Sustainable waters (Priority: Water-smart societies). The applications in the priority of Climate-neutral societies almost equally contributed to Circular economy, Energy transition and Smart green mobility.

Core statistics

987 partners from nine Programme area countries and two from outside the area have successfully formed the partnerships in the proposed core projects. The highest number of partners come from Finland, Latvia and Poland.

30% of the partners are new to the Interreg family. Furthermore, around 40% of applicants from Denmark and Poland have never worked with Interreg before. The organisations that most often took the role of a lead applicant are education and research organisations (53). Local, regional or national public authorities are lead partners in 29 projects. The highest number of lead applicants represent Finland (22), Germany (16) and Latvia (15).

To implement their smart project ideas, the applicants requested almost EUR 238 million from the European Regional Development Fund out of the available EUR 207 million for the priorities 1-3. Norwegian applicants requested EUR 2.7 million out of the EUR 1.6 million available from the national funding.

What’s next?

All submitted project applications are currently undergoing the process of admissibility check and assessment. Then, the Monitoring Committee of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme will select the best project ideas for funding. This decision is expected in September 2022.

In parallel, the assessment of applications for small projects is ongoing. This decision on the selection of small projects is expected in June 2022.

Although the first call for project applications has just ended, the Programme is planning to open new calls for applications already in the autumn of this year.

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