Project toolkit
Communication & visibility
Efficient communication is the key to achieving the project’s aims and ensuring the transparency of the use of the EU funds. Throughout every step of the project implementation, partners need to interact with their target groups. The selection of communication activities, channels and tools should depend on the needs of their target groups. All this requires thorough planning as well as adequate resources. The lead partner has to appoint a communication manager responsible for planning and coordination of communication measures for the whole project.
The MA/JS remains in regular contact with the appointed communication managers of the projects. The MA/JS provides technical tools, templates, communication training and guidance to projects as support for project communication.
Visibility rules
Visibility rules ensure proper acknowledgement of funds and help communicate the role and achievements of Interreg.
Lead partners and project partners have to follow a set of visibility requirements for all co-financed visibility, transparency and communication activities. These apply to all printed and digital products, publications, websites (including their mobile views), online, offline and on-site activities and events.
Misuse of the visibility requirements may result in the ineligibility of items produced, created or organised for the project, which in practice means that the costs will not be fully refunded.
Obligatory elements
In order to comply with the visibility requirements of the information and communication measures, we strongly recommend that lead partners and project partners familiarise themselves with the following :
Persona (an archetypal user for whom the product or service is being designed)
Project logo
The project logo consists of the following elements:
- the European Union emblem in accordance with the technical specifications laid down in Annex IX of the EU Common Provisions Regulation 2021/1060;
- the statement ‘Co-funded by the European Union’ written in full and placed next to the emblem of the European Union
- the Programme name ‘Interreg Baltic Sea Region’ placed next to the emblem of the Union
- the project´s short name
- the applicable Programme priority (icon) and objective
Statements on Interreg support
There are two types of statements:
- Statement that highlights the support from Interreg in all documents, publications and communication materials meant for participants of project events and general public.
- Statement on the partner’s official website and social media sites, if such exist, with a short description of the project, proportionate to the level of support, including project’s aims and results, and highlighting the financial support from Interreg.
Project Poster
At least one poster of a minimum size A3 or equivalent electronic display publicly displayed at partner locations to highlight the support from Interreg.
Plaques and Bilboards
Display durable plaques or billboards clearly visible to the public, presenting the emblem of the Union in accordance with the technical characteristics laid down in Annex IX of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060, as soon as the physical implementation of an Interreg operation involving physical investment or the purchase of equipment starts or purchased equipment is installed, with regard to operations supported by an Interreg fund, the total cost of which exceeds EUR 100 000.
Project platforms and projects with the budget exceeding EUR 5 mln
For project platforms as projects of strategic importance (OSIs) and those projects whose the total costs exceed EUR 5,000,000, organise a communication event with the involvement of the European Commission and the MA/JS.

Reference documents
In order to comply with the visibility requirements of the information and communication measures, we strongly recommend that lead partners and project partners familiarise themselves with the following documents.
Communication factsheets
Dive deeper into visibility requirements, storytelling structure & communication products. With a handful of practical tips, make your communication stronger!Â
Persona (an archetypal user for whom the product or service is being designed)
Office templates
This file package includes Office templates (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) in versions suitable for projects in Priority 1, Priority 2 and Priority 3
» Office Word templates
» Office PowerPoint templates
» Office Excel templateÂ
Poster template
This file package includes a poster template in for projects in priorities 1-4.
» Poster template (priority1)
» Poster template (priority 2)
» Poster template (priority 3)
» Poster template (priority 4)
Poster Template (Landscape)
This file package includes a landscape poster template for projects in priorities 1-3 that can be used also as starting point for the design of plaques and billboard.
»Landscape Poster template (priority 1)
Project Design Guide
Use the Project design Guide as a reference document and a source of inspiration: here you will find examples of using logo in various contexts, tips and hints as well as guide through the templates.
Project logos
This file package includes project logos in versions suitable for print and online communication products. The project logo shall be prominently featured on all co-financed communication material.
Programme logo
This file package provides different file versions of the Programme logo The package contains versions with solid and transparent backgrounds, and different file types (.png for office and web use and .ai for designers).
Note that there are very specific requirements which need to be taken into account when using the files (i.e. when positioning and sizing logos in a publication): make sure to apply the visibility rules.
Persona (an archetypal user for whom the product or service is being designed)
Programme area map
This map can be useful on your website, in leaflets, presentations or elsewhere. The map comes in png formats.
EUSBSR logos
The Programme is closely interlinked with the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR). If your project is officially linked to the Strategy, these files may be of use to you.
» EUSBSR visual identity guide
European Commission's support kit for EU visibility
This brand book guides beneficiaries in making the most out of the visibility requirements. The brand book builds on the Common Provisions Regulation (CPR) but can be used by all beneficiaries of EU programmes
» Support kit for EU visibilityÂ
Join the community!
Efficient communication is so much about staying in touch. In order to reinforce connections with the MA/JS but also with other projects, join our forum for communication managers on Facebook.
What kind of information will you find there?
- developments for projects pages
- tips & tricks for good communication
- information about upcoming events & training sessions, including our monthly informal gathering, comms coffee meetings
- information about upcoming EU-wide events & campaigns projects can contribute to