Interreg Baltic Sea Region

Project news

The 3rd ISC

Project: BSR DeepTech Launch

On 16 July 2024, the 3rd ISC of the BSR DeepTech Launch project was held on the zoom platform. All project partners were invited to the meeting. The...

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Summer 2024: Greenhouse trials

Project: ReNutriWater

Pilot 3 activities, i.e. greenhouse trials, are the last step in the ReNutriWater project plan, to experiment with the use of reclaimed water....

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Aarhus/Herning pilot


As part of the Royal Danish Library and Aarhus University Library, the campus library at AU Herning is facing a relocation. This presents itself as...

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Prosper BSR in Warsaw

Project: Prosper BSR

The final Prosper BSR workshop and capacity building took place at the premises of the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw (June 11-12). Workshop:...

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