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Empowering Underground Laboratories Network Usage
PROGRAMME 2014-2020
1 Innovation
1.1 Research & innovation infrastructures


EUL helped to enlarge the use of underground laboratories and provide access to open resource for business and innovation.
Project summary

Several underground laboratories (ULs) in the Baltic Sea region remained under-utilised for many years, without taking advantage of the innovation and business potential. Unique scientific environment of these facilities was not fully exploited. Furthermore, the laboratories were operating separately, lacking specific standards for characterizing the ULs technically or in terms of quality of operations. The existing laboratories offered services primarily on a national level and targeted mostly scientific users, as they were initiated by nearby universities to support pure scientific research. Consequently, the provision of services to commercial users was not part of their initial concept. Opening up for businesses and transnational collaboration would therefore facilitate scientific technology transfer and exchange of best practices.

The extension phase project Empowering Underground Laboratories network usage (EUL) continued the work done by its forerunner Baltic Sea Underground Innovation Network (BSUIN). It supported enlargement of the user base of the ULs by analysing various marketing strategies and establishment of a sustainable network.


in numbers
  • 0.79
  • 0.59
  • 0.04
    Eni + Russia
  • 0.00


Underground laboratories (ULs) are getting ready

Before the project EUL, not all participating underground laboratories had a customer relationship management process or designated contact persons. Thanks to the project, all the involved sites have a contact person responsible for handling questions and for the first steps in the customer relationship management process. The project tested and evaluated the customer journey directly with the underground laboratories (ULs) and their potential customers. The ULs discussed their experience together with other members of the network, created by the project BSUIN.

Living network

The project created the European Underground Laboratories Association (EUL), which is a registered non-profit association promoting science, research, technical development, innovation, education, and various events at members' underground laboratories. Thanks to this network, it is now easier to launch a research and innovation project in underground environments, which have the potential to provide answers to questions concerning geo-energy, geo-storage, environmental processes, and resources.


Customer Journey and Customer Relationship Management (CMR) system requirements

The customer journey consists of five stages: awareness, consideration, acquisition, service, and loyalty. The used layers are: customer steps, underground laboratories (Uls) steps, critical points, and others involved. The customer journey map provides a structured, linear visualization of a service user’s experience and helps the service provider make their services more tangible and visible. The report is for the operators of ULs for their better understanding of how to manage relationships with their customers. At the same time, the report is also useful for customers of the ULs as the system enables them to receive relevant information and feedback.

Project Stories


University of Oulu (UO)

Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OUAS)

University of Silesia in Katowice (USK)

Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. (SKB)

KGHM Cuprum Research & Development Centre Ltd. (CUPRUM)

Technical University mining academy Freiberg (TUBAF)

Helmholtz Centre Potsdam German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ

Vilnius University (VU)

National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ)

Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech)

Baltic Scientific Instruments (BSI)

Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KarRC RAS)

Joint stock company 'Khlopin Radium Institute'