Even if the countries across the Baltic Sea region are frontrunners in many aspects of digital economy, more needs to be done in terms of enhancing and balancing digital economy development in the region. To address the challenge, the forerunner project DIGINNO focused on facilitating digital single market related to policy discussions. It developed strong cross-sectoral industry digitalisation community and engaged associations, universities, public authorities and sectors to better understand each-others challenges and find common solutions.
Based on tools developed in DIGINNO, the project DINNOCAP worked on improving digitalisation methods and their practical use. It focused on more familiarity with digitalisation and digital awareness tools, enabling actors to increase their digitalisation capacity.
in numbers
0.03MillionEni + Russia
The overarching goal of DINNOCAP was digital innovation capacity building and supporting the transnational collaboration on digitalisation. The project targeted SMEs, public sector authorities, Industry associations, and ICT associations. The project contributed to the digital transformation in the Baltic Sea region by shaping a stronger community and enabling SMEs to deliver e-services.
To achieve the targets, DINNOCAP carried out transnational and national events involving SMEs, academia, public sector institutions, and industry associations. Besides, the project developed and tested a data exchange system as eCMR prototype 2.0, composing the Governance Framework for cross-border e-services- KnowYourCustomer, eReceipt and eCMR. This led to shaping a new project to continue the eCMR -related work by the countries in the Nordics and Baltics. The testing of the DIGINNO-tool and eCMR prototype was in the spotlight of the project. With the eCMR prototype,
the cross-border data exchange, between logistic sector companies and controlling agencies, was
Totally, 35 eCMR were executed over the prototype, covering 4 countries in one logistics corridor. The observers circle was much larger, including Benelux countries, Germany, Russia, and Finland. The DIGINNO-tool was tested in Estonia 252 times, in Latvia 231, in Lithuania 11 and in Poland 39 times. Other countries in the region had also the chance to test it.
Multi-country report on online SME digital maturity recommender tool findings and usability

Prototype for data-exchange platform

Project Stories
Moving towards a single digital market in the Baltic Sea region
The uptake of digital solutions both in the public and private sectors is the key to boost innovation and remain competitive. The Interreg project DIGINNO helped small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), industry associations and policy makers speed up the Baltic Sea region’s transition to a single digital market.Read full story
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia
- TownTallinn
- RegionPõhja-Eesti
- CountryEstonia
- RepresentativeReet Reismaa
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Aalborg University
- TownAalborg Øst
- RegionByen København
- CountryDenmark
- RepresentativeKnud Erik Skouby
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Association INFOBALT
- TownVilnius
- RegionVilniaus apskritis
- CountryLithuania
- RepresentativeRÅ«ta Å atrovaite
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Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications
- TownTallinn
- RegionPõhja-Eesti
- CountryEstonia
- RepresentativeDoris Põld
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- Web
The Brønnøysund Register Centre
- TownBrønnøysund
- RegionNordland
- CountryNorway
- RepresentativeKetil Ingebritsen
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- Web
Latvian Information and Communications Technology Association
- TownRiga
- RegionRÄ«ga
- CountryLatvia
- RepresentativeAndris Melnudris
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Polish Chamber of Commerce of Electronics and Telecommunications
- TownWarszawa
- RegionMiasto Warszawa
- CountryPoland
- RepresentativeKrzysztof Chełpiński
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
Engineering Industries Association of Lithuania LINPRA
- TownVilnius
- RegionVilniaus apskritis
- CountryLithuania
- RepresentativeAkvilė Andriuškaitė
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
RISE Research Institute Sweden AB
- TownKista
- RegionGävleborgs län
- CountrySweden
- RepresentativeOla Wallberg
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
Association of SMEs Support Centres in Kaliningrad Region
- TownKaliningrad
- RegionKaliningrad Oblast
- Country
- RepresentativeElena Kabakova
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
Project managerKristi ArukülaMinistry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia
Legal representativeAndo LeppimanMinistry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia
Financial managerKristi ArukülaMinistry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia
Communication managerKristi ArukülaMinistry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia