AREA 21 + action
Cities play a key role in reaching European energy efficiency targets, but still face several problems that keep them from exploiting their full potential to cut greenhouse gas emissions. This is also emphasized in the EU’s recent strategy for a climate-neutral Europe by 2050. Specifically, in the related “A clean planet for all” strategy, the European Commission explicitly mentions increased energy efficiency of buildings as one of its main strategic goals.
Area 21 + action built on the project AREA21. The project addressed energy efficiency of the building stock as a major challenge. The project implemented measures from the action plan in Tampere (Finland) and in Kohtla-Järve (Estonia).
in numbers
0.17MillionEni + Russia
AREA21 + action practically demonstrated how CO2 emissions of city districts can be reduced, e.g. by visualising energy, by educating citizens in energy consumption, by providing stimulus to buildings owners and by technical measures and reconstruction. The primary target groups of the project were local and regional public authorities being involved in energy planning and related processes in their roles as strategic energy planners as well as property owners.
Practical Outcomes
The project supported experts to integrate new tools in their working processes and to mobilise human, technical and financial resources in order to achieve the energy efficiency targets of their cities. Planning departments of local and regional public authorities responsible for strategic energy planning were enabled to better understand the end-user’s capacities and needs as well as the perspectives of energy utilities and public property owners. The project fostered the implementation of energy efficiency measures as well as the exploitation of synergies on a district level.
Moreover, it enabled the best usage of the energy-savings potential on a district level while cooperation enabled the coordination and supplementation of measures. The institutional capacity of local and regional public authorities responsible for strategic energy planning in the Baltic Sea region cities and regions was enhanced. The tested tools and approaches enabled them to strengthen the cooperation among key actors of integrated energy planning, in particular with energy utilities and public property owners, as well as to better involve building users in energy planning. As a result, the local and regional energy planning authorities in the Baltic Sea region had better capacities to optimize the use of energy on the district and regional levels, and thus improve energy efficiency in the whole Baltic Sea region.
Institutionalisation and Sustainability Framework for EIDs (EID - Energy Improvement District)

Implemented measures from the Action Plan in Estonia and Finland

Project Stories
Cooperation as the key to a climate-neutral Baltic Sea region
A common challenge for the countries in the Baltic Sea region is how to produce green and climate-neutral energy. In fact, as much as 75% of the EU greenhouse gas emissions still come from energy use and production. Cooperation and sharing good practices in Interreg projects, such as LowTEMP, Baltic Integrid and Area 21, can be a game-changer in accelerating the energy transition in the region.Read full story
HafenCity University Hamburg
- TownHamburg
- RegionHamburg
- CountryGermany
- RepresentativeJörg Knieling
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
Tampere University of Applied Sciences Ltd
- TownTampere
- RegionPirkanmaa
- CountryFinland
- RepresentativeKari Kallioharju
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
- TownSt.Petersburg
- RegionCity of St. Petersburg
- Country
- RepresentativeYury Nurulin
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
Kohtla-Järve City Government
- TownKohtla-Järve
- RegionKirde-Eesti
- CountryEstonia
- RepresentativeJana Viital
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
Tartu Regional Energy Agency
- TownTartu
- RegionLõuna-Eesti
- CountryEstonia
- RepresentativeAntti Roose
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
City of Tampere
- TownTampere
- RegionPirkanmaa
- CountryFinland
- RepresentativeJuho Rinta-Rahko
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
Region Skåne
- TownMalmö
- RegionSkåne län
- CountrySweden
- RepresentativeDavid Nilsson
- Phone
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- Web
Öresundskraft AB
- TownHelsingborg
- RegionSkåne län
- CountrySweden
- RepresentativePatrik Hermansson
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
Project managerJörg KnielingHafenCity University Hamburg
Legal representativeStephanie EgerlandHafenCity University Hamburg
Financial managerJonas FischerHafenCity University Hamburg
Communication managerJonas FischerHafenCity University