Join with us the Consultation for the European Parliament Pre-legislative synthesis briefing on Sustainable food systems
25 April 2023
❗ What they are looking for?
They are looking for positions of governmental organisations from all levels of governance: local, regional, national and European.
They are interested to find out how existing policy is working on the ground, and we intend to identify best practice and good policy ideas.
❗ Sustainable food systems, including strategies and measures for a socially responsible food value chain that progressively reduce the environmental and climate footprint of the EU food system, and ultimately transform it into a positive contributor to the health of people, of the economies and of the planet. Measures that promote green agriculture, sustainability and soil maintenance/restoration as well as actions tackling food waste may also play a role.
❗ An EU level intervention will aim to establish new foundations for future food policies by introducing sustainability objectives and principles on the basis of an integrated food system approach. Consequently, the proposal for a regulation will lay down general principles and objectives, together with the requirements and responsibilities of all actors in the EU food system. More specifically, it will set out rules on sustainability labelling of food products, minimum criteria for sustainable public procurement of food and governance and monitoring.
❗ Share your inputs before 30 April by email: eprs-linkinglevels@europarl.europa.eu