PV4All Toolbox to reach public authorities now available!
01 October 2024
As part of the PV4ALL Toolbox development, three target groups emerged: private institutions, private persons and public authorities. The toolbox provides insights into the work of our project and thus encourages institutions to try out these approaches, develop them further or initiate new ideas. The public authorities were concerned with how authorities, institutions or organizations could be involved in the implementation of photovoltaics. This target group is very important for the success of the energy transition, as they define the legal regulations and subsidies for entire regions.
In contrast to the other two target groups, it was more difficult to approach the public authorities. They are often aware of the problems of the energy transition and work with the state governments on many different solutions. However, the local authorities and at the same time the local or country-specific laws, subsidies, etc. are different in each project country. The project partners therefore approached the target group differently. While in one country it was educational webinars or energy communities, in another it was the idea of bringing PV on highways or train lines and get in contact with the responsible institutions. One project partner had to identify relevant and promising areas, as the topic wasn’t present to local authorities at all. What all project partners had in common was the connection and exchange with the different cities, countries or administrations. The toolbox linked below tries to explain theses approaches and to show that there is not only one way to initiate a transformation towards a sustainable society. Many cities are already very advanced in this process, others need help. Local authorities themselves can also be experts in their field and in turn achieve synergy effects for other cities, companies or private persons.
A short overview of all Tools can be found below.