Liveability - Designing public services for resilient neighbourhoods

Impressions from the Creative Bureaucracy Festival 2024

05 August 2024
Technical details

The Liveability project got a taste of festival air—not in the entertainment sector, but in the administrative sector. Nevertheless, it was still entertaining. At the Creative Bureaucracy Festival on June 13, 2024, in the Festsaal Kreuzberg in Berlin, over 1,850 participants and more than 200 speakers gathered to discuss innovative approaches for the administration of the future. The inspiring sessions and workshops provided new insights that are particularly valuable for the development of livable neighborhoods. The festival impressively demonstrated how creative solutions and forward-thinking can transform public administration.

Impressions of our Partners:

Krystyna Wróblewska from The Baltic Sea Cultural Center was thrilled: “The Creative Bureaucracy Festival 2024 fascinated and impressed me once again!” This was the third time the international affairs expert from GdaÅ„sk attended. She reflects: “The energy, the enthusiasm for innovative solutions, the belief in positive change, and the inspiring talks were simply overwhelming. It was an experience to be among so many committed people – both young and old – who firmly believe that the humanization of offices and a future-oriented administration are not mere visions but tangible realities.”

Wróblewska captures the essence of the format: “The term ‘Creative Bureaucracy’ might initially seem contradictory, but this event proves that by embracing new forms of public administration and being willing to think outside the box, we can strive for long-term action, respond flexibly, and anticipate the rapidly changing world. I was particularly impressed that not only were theoretical discussions held, but real-world examples from around the globe were also presented. This was clear evidence that change is possible and why it is crucial for making cities more resident-friendly, future-proof, and livable.”

Jörn Frentzel, Professor of Service Design at the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) in Tallinn, shares his “Aha moment”: “In the ‘Politics for Tomorrow’ session, moderated by Indy Johar, we gained a crucial insight. The central question was: ‘How can we form alliances to shape the future democratically in times of uncertainty?’ We emphasized that it is essential to find a common ground shaped by co-regulation rather than top-down approaches to address this uncertainty. We view bureaucracy as a dynamic, co-creative, and co-regulatory process for tackling complex and constantly changing challenges.”


Watch the 2024 Aftermovie to get a feel for the event!

The next Creative Bureaucracy Festival will take place on June 5, 2025.

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