The presence of microplastics in lake waters as a global issue – raising awareness and Implementing protective measures
12 February 2024
The new article published as part of the Interreg Lakes Connect project provides a comprehensive analysis of the issue of microplastic particles in lakes and their impact on the aquatic environment.
Source: www.wodnesprawy.pl
The article contains information on the formation, sources of emissions, and potential hazards associated with the presence of microplastic particles in lake waters.
Additionally, it presents actions taken within the Lakes Connect project aimed at studying the content of microplastics in the lakes of the Baltic countries and developing green lake protection concepts.
The article allows readers to learn about initiatives taken at the national and international levels to reduce the emission of microplastic particles and how we can contribute to protecting the aquatic environment.
The link to the article: Mikrocząstki plastiku w wodach jezior jako globalny problem (wodnesprawy.pl)