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Educational classes with microplastics for young explorers

19 October 2023
On the 18th of October, at the Hydrobiology Station of the University of Warsaw in Pilchy, an extraordinary educational event took place, leaving a lasting impression on the 1st class from the Michal Kajka School and Kindergarten Complex in Dąbrówka. The central theme of these activities revolved around something that significantly impacts our daily lives more than we might expect – microplastics.
Technical details


The slogan of the day: “Bathing with a pilling in the lake-why not! Microplastic is already waiting for you …”.  highlighted the importance of this topic.

These inspiring classes were conducted by phd students: Ewa Babkiewicz (CNBCh UW, PhD student at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Warsaw) and Piotr Jachimowicz (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn), with the participation of Magdalena Jurgielewicz (Foundation for the Protection of the Great Masurian Lakes).

Together with them, the pupils went on a journey through the fascinating world of microplastics, as part of the INTERREG LAKES CONNECT project. Children learned about the consequences of the presence of microplastics in our lives and the environment. The most important element of these classes, however, was that students had the opportunity not only to hear about microplastics, but also to talk about it. During the discussion, they exchanged their ideas on how we can collectively deal with this challenge and protect our lakes, rivers and the entire environment.

There were also practical elements of the classes. Pupils had the opportunity to see what kind of plastic elements were found in lakes during pilot studies and how microplastics affect our planet. It was also fascinating to see how freshwater filter-feeding crustaceans acquire plastic particles suspended in the water.

This experience will certainly remain in the memory of young explorers for a long time. Thanks to these unique classes, students gained valuable information about microplastics and became aware that each of us can contribute to protecting our planet. Together we can act to minimize the presence of microplastics in our surroundings.

Here’s proof that learning can be both exciting and informative!