Tackling agricultural phosphorus load by soil amendments

Lithuanian Farmers Keen to Learn About Soil Amendments

06 June 2024
The large turnout of over 100 Lithuanian farmers, advisers and agricultural specialist to seminar demonstrated the the importance of the topic.
Technical details


On 12 February 2024, a seminar titled “Peculiarities of Liming and Fertilization in the Context of Sustainable Agriculture” was held at the Vėžaičiai Branch of the Institute of Agriculture (LAMMC) in Lithuania. The large turnout of over 100 participants demonstrated the high relevance of the seminar’s topic. Farmers, advisers, and specialists from various fields of agriculture attended from 23 districts across the country.

GYPREG Project makes its introduction

During the seminar, the main goals and objectives of the Interreg Baltic Sea region international cooperation program project “Tackling Agricultural Phosphorus Load by Soil Amendments” (GYPREG) was presented to the participants for the first time. The GYPREG report highlighted the importance of gypsum in reducing phosphorus leaching from the soil, improving soil structure, and reducing soil acidity in deeper layers.
The great interest shown may pave the way for successful cooperation between Lithuanian farmers and the GYPREG project.