Co-elaboration of a transnational certification standard and of a tool-box to promote energy transition in green industrial areas

State dialogue Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on green industrial sites

13 June 2024
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern hosted a larger event to discuss and share approaches of eco-innovation in industrial areas
Technical details

A further state dialog on green industrial areas took place in Schwerin on Thursday, May 23rd, 2024. Once again, 120 stakeholders came together to learn from each other and find out about the latest legal regulations. The best examples presented and the many opportunities for networking were impressive.

With the “Green industrial areas in MV” state dialogue, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has launched an initiative to test renewable energy concepts in industrial areas on a model basis. A list of requirements contains criteria for the award of the “Green Industrial Area” label. The decisive factors are a renewable energy supply and the commitment of local authorities and companies. Applying for certification is voluntary and can only be awarded to existing business parks.

A distinction is made between three basic criteria for the certification of a “green business park” – renewable energy supply, measures to improve energy management and increase energy efficiency, awareness-raising in the area of sustainable land management and additional qualifications. The additional qualifications specify the orientation of the business park and reflect local conditions. These include, for example, the joint use and management of infrastructure, the joint provision of services or sustainable transport planning.

There are currently green business parks in Grevesmühlen, Parchim and Hagenow. During the pilot phase of the current Interreg project, a longer list of transnational criteria is currently tested on two further sites in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.