Easy Energy meets in Paneveyz, Lithuania
30 October 2024
workhsop in Panevėžys, Lithuania. EasyEnergy
Our project guides municipalities and enterprises on how to reduce energy consumption in existing buildings with simple and inexpensive measures (Easy Energy solutions).
First, we focused on collecting Easy Energy solutions in the area of building&insulation and water&electricity which was followed by solution analyses. This phase is now done.
During our workshop in Panevėžys, the Partner Consortium had the chance to provide feedback on preselected solutions, talk about next steps.
We continue with finalizing the pre selection process which will give us an overview of blueprint content.
We also visited the Kalnapilis Brewery and Glasremis” Art glass studio and spoke about their energy saving solutions, some participants even managed to practice their glassblowing techniques and built towers as a collaboration excersice. In the end we all work together as a team.