Distance LAB – remote service hub for SME’s and public sector
Distance LAB

Introducing Cybersecurity First Aid Clinic

18 April 2024
Business operations typically start from somewhere other than cybersecurity. After all, businesses are founded on some other expertise, or for the manufacturing or selling of a product. The Cybersecurity First Aid Clinic can then patch up wounds and promote cybersecurity-healthy habits.
Technical details

The cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving, with employees changing, so it’s essential for companies to continuously maintain a certain level of expertise. That’s why the basics of cybersecurity need to be revisited regularly. At the First Aid Clinic you can ask anything without worrying about needing prior knowledge, engineering skills, or other technical understanding. The Cybersecurity First Aid Clinic aims to integrate cybersecurity into everyday life, both in offices and remote work environments.

At the Jyväskylä Digital Security Fair, Centria University of Applied Sciences presented a series of events called the Cybersecurity First Aid Clinic – Cyber Akuten. On the stage were Laura Palovuori and Tom Tuunainen.

The Cybersecurity First Aid Clinic is organized in collaboration with the DistanceLAB and ISSUES projects. The DistanceLAB project is funded by the European Union’s Baltic Sea Program (Interreg BSR), while the ISSUES project is funded by Interreg Aurora and Lapland Regional Council.

Laura Palovuori and Tom Tuunainen giving a presentation    Laura Palovuori and Tom Tuunainen giving a presentation